Thursday, September 25, 2003

The paper spoke of last time was finished this morning, and by this morning I mean 2:00am. It was a unforntunate siuation since I am now really tired and wishing I could nap before class, well I could, I have the time but that would be blatent wasting of time, but it would feel so good. Anyways the weather here is wild, I mean one moment its so cold out that you need oodles of layers to stay warm and then within a couple of mins, the atmosphere changes and the sun is out and the air is full of warmness almost warrenting wearing shorts, but not quite. Nothing exciting has happened in the last while, I was reading my Liner Notes from the past with friend and fellow student Mike Schalin, you may remember him from past episodes. We were reminising about how there used to be good stories and such, and now its just daily life. Well hopefully I can find some stories which will challenge the heart and delight the mind. And with that i must go.


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