Saturday, April 03, 2010

Some preliminarily thoughts. Or, how I started to write and wanted to process it a little further.

In mere moments, 1 hour and 6 mins to be exact, I will once again become an omnivore.  This day has loomed in my mind for weeks and I have thought extensively about what to eat, when to eat it, how much, how little, why it's good for me.  Questions that all deserve answers, questions that are all burning in my mind, so much so that I might not sleep tonight.  

I have begun to realize the scope of this experiment/adventure/Lent is far greater then I could have ever imagined.  I learned about myself, I learned about others, and I learned about spirituality.  In reality it could take weeks and months to unpack everything I have thought about, learned about, struggled through, had victories in, and so forth.  It's daunting for sure.  But I know that right now, as a fact, I am really excited to eat some cheese and have a cappa tomorrow.  

I also know that I will put on my leather belt, place upon my shoulders a woolen sweater, eat a piece of Paska, and go on my merry way.  I will engage in much festivities, in the evening after a day at work, by enjoying a meal with some close friends and some delicious eats.

Tomorrow we celebrate.  


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