Monday, March 01, 2010

The Monks are Tasty

Yep, true to fashion I imbibed in a bottle of handcrafted glory yesterday during my Sunday Monk beer ritual.  It was tasty, and malty, and dark, and wonderful.  After many different styles and versions, the Belgians really know how to throw down when it comes to well crafted beer.  Knowing that men of the cloth craft and enjoy this beer makes it even more delicious, if that's possible.

Today was a rough day.  I was tired, felt sluggish, and had a raging headache.  How much of this can be attributed to the Calgary winter/spring/chinook/pressure change I don't know.  But I do know that even the copious amount of water I drank today did not help the hurt in the old crazy frontal lobes from lessening.  I even drank some tea to quell the hurt, but to no avail.  I wonder if it's my body finally coming to terms with the no animal products, or if it's just a lack of sleep.  Tomorrow is another chance to get some serious proteins and carbs of varying quantities into my blood stream in an attempt to feel better and stronger.


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