Community Bagels
Last night I went and visited friends Ben and Mel Hilton. It was, as always, an excellent time of conversation and cooking. We even Skyped fellow vegan Lenter Simon Martin in to share the festivities. Just after I had arrived, Ben announced that we should make spelt bagels, he's been on a bagel kick for a while now. So we did, and by we I mean he showed me the method and I watched adding only color commentary. I learned that this method of baking bagels calls for the bagels to rest for a period of 12-18 hours, so I brought them home and baked them this morning. They look and taste amazing.
We also made pasta, by hand, thanks to the great pasta maker found for mere dollars at a garage sale by my mom. During the evening, and the Skypeing with Simon, it occurred to me that Lent, though a dark and introspective time, is made easier when you have someone going through similar experiences who you can share struggles with, share knowledge with, and make sure you are still sticking to the plan. I got me thinking about the reasons behind Lent. Is it just a time to give something up and complain about how hard it is? I know that for me it's been pretty hard maintaining the original intention without digressing into just 40 days about a lifestyle and forgetting about the original spiritual aspect of it. Some things to think about.
On a totally different note, I realized that the lip moisturizer that I use at night is from Burt's Bees and thus contains honey. It was an honest mistake I swear. Anyways I will keep my lids peeled for other such products in life.
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