Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Beginnings of Lent 2011

Yesterday marked the beginning of the Lenten Season of 2011.  I had a really rough Ash Wednesday culminating with the internets hating me and not working and not allowing me to post.  I was wound pretty tight as I was tired and had a pretty stressful day at work.  Today was a much better day, more balanced with regards to food and energy levels, but it's only 9 or so, and I'm already fading so I might need to catch up on some sleep before I tackle another day and another good amount of preparation.  Today I got some clarity as far as my goals and aspirations for the mental and spiritual side of Lent. One major theme I want to investigate is rest, how I rest, why it feels like my current ways of resting doesn't work, and how I can remedy this.  

A few weeks ago fellow Lenters, Simon, Mel, and Chris, decided that we would one up last years veganism and would do Vegan again, aside from Chris (he's a real vegan), but we would also eat only food that did not come in a package.  It's a pretty lofty goal, and a much bigger challenge then I first imagined it would be.  So many things that I love come in some sort of package.  Last years saving grace, hummus and pita and sprouts, all come in a package so alas I will have to come up with some other sustainable food items that can be made well in advance and stored safely.

I've been researching food items and things to prepare, I'm excited for the extra culinary challenge that lays ahead.

Thanks for reading.


At 10:57 PM, Blogger Becky Buhler said...

I am excited to follow you on this journey!

At 10:29 AM, Blogger T.I.Houghton said...

Becky! Thanks for reading and following.


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