What a weekend this has been. With all the excitment I went to bed early last night, early being 11:30. So back to the weekend. The last time I wrote I had just finished reading for history, and then I got some sleep, and then I went to class. Class was alright, we talked about Vikings, it was pretty cool. Then in "The Bard Gong Show", aka Shakespeare, I got to finish watching the 1996 production of Romeo + Juilet, starring none other than Jack from Titanic Himself Leonardo DiCrapreo. Well I dont know if he so much deserves that name as much as Claire Danes does. Its just so awkward to see a good looking girl force Old English out of her mouth when she really wants to speak using new english language. Anyways enough about the movie. Directly after the "Bard Gong Show" I went down to check my mailbox, and found it empty, sadly that simple fact runied the next five minutes of my life. After I felt sad for a couple moments I was relived to see some people that I knew. I walked over to them and they convinced me to come to the Stampeders Game with them. I was like, "but it costs 15 bucks". Then my good friend, Ian Elford reminded me that dinner was included with the ticket price and thus I went to the Game. We had some great meat before the game, which we gobbled down so that we could make it before the kickoff. Now CBC had a section where all the students would sit, but myself, Ian Elford, Randy Gay, and Josh Hilton decided that we wanted to sit closer to the action. This is a risky move since we did not know if people were going to be sitting in those seats or not. We decided to take the risk and sit there. It turned out to be a good move, but sadly we had to move a couple times in order to make room for those who had actually paid money for those seats. The game was quality and the Stamps won so the crowd was happy. But not only did the Stamps win, but they scored over 30 points which meant that every one in the crowd got a free pizza from East Side Mario's. We decided that since we had nothing else to do that night that the four of us would head over to the nearest ESM and get some free pizza. It took a little while to get to the restraunt and once inside we were instructed to sit at the bar and wait for our pizza which should be not too long. We waited for 1.5 hours! It was a monstrosity sitting at the bar doing nothing but watching the highlights of the game we were just at. Oh and for the record, there was a tustle between the players and one of the Stamps ripped the helmet off of the Ti-Cats and threw to away only to have that helmet hit one of the ref right in the middle of the face. It was quite the re-play to see that a couple of times over and over again. So after getting our pizza from ESM we headed back to the the Dorms and to bed since I was super tired and My roommate was off being a nerd (he was quiz coaching). Now saturday did not get interesting until about 6:30pm, when Matt Russell invited me over for dinner, now no one here says no to free dinners due to the fact that free food is always a great and beautifal thing. After said dinner of Fajitas, Matt Russell, Mellissa Doyle, Connie Neumiller, and I went to a Calgary Film Festival screening of the film "19 Months". This film, mockumentry, is about the expirey date of love. This couple seemed to think that their love would only last for the duration of 19 months, hence the title. They had invited a documentry team along to document the last months of the relationship as well as to see how they were going to get on into the next stage of their lives. It was an interesting film, going against most ideals that we, the 4 bible college students, have. Thus prompting some great coffee table discussion. It was a great night, one for the memory books. Sunday was fairly mundane, but the morning was brightened with breakfast with Mike Schalin. We went to this little joint called Taba Cafe, or something like that. It was great to have a breakfast of eggs and such, not that I cant eat the same at home, but it was fun to eat at the counter, which I have seen in lots of movies, but have never experienced. It was quality, and yes I skipped church. Then there was Missions Meeting last night and it was alright, then I came home and went to bed early to get up and do homework, I did some reading and then was called by some unseen force to update this little shindig, and there you have it. I monstrosity of a update and hurrah, Its almost time for class. Have a great day friends. Peace.
Liner Notes
An Online Guide To The Life and Times Of T.I.Houghton.
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