Tuesday, June 08, 2004

its been a while yes, I agree, but really nothing of too much consequence has happened in my life. I continue to search high and low for a job, but as of yet there is nothing which will satifsy my craving for the mighty dollar. I have spent my time learning things from the discovery channel, writing e-mails, working on a website which houses the pictures of the Crafted 04' tour. I have also spent much of my time gazing out the window and imagining what it would be like if I had something to do. On a better note I found Leo Tolstoy for cheap the other day so I purchaced some of his short stories, and found that they are quite wonderful and great for reading. Perhaps later in teh summer I will find more and more cheap Tolstoy with which to wet my pallet for good fiction. I plan on either having a job in the next few days, or hitch hiking to mexico where I think they have lots of things to do since I always see that things are made in mexico. Maybe I could get a job at the VW factory and then stay there the rest of my life. Thats wishful thinking I guess. Tough loss for the Calgary Flames last night. I watched the game in a deserted coffee shop, and when Calgary scored and started to make a comeback it looked good for cowtown fans, but alas there was no such win in the books for Calgary. Maybe next year, or 2007. Thats enough for today, remember to give a hug to the ones you love.


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