You may have heard that the flames won last night to put them in the Stanley Cup finals. I was in calgary at the time. It was a pandamonious night. I watched the last period on Stephen Ave, and then when they won proceeded to 17th ave. An experience to last a life time. I mean when do you get to walk down 17th ave with 25,000 people all cheering for the same team. It was quite the interesting time. There were 7 of us in total who braved the streets, and we managed to stay together for most of the time. There was one point where the crowd was so tight that I could not move my feet due to the other feet pressing in on all sides. I have never given so many high fives in one night. Everyone was cheering and cars were honking and general rowdyness was going on. You may have seen the news stories and yes I was right in the middle of that crowd for a period of time, until it just got too be too much and then we left. Oh did I mention that it was raining last night as well, so not only were we in a crowd of what seemed like millions, but we were wet and sweaty, what a great combonation. And after this shindig of walking in rain and getting the led out I went back to a warm apartment and tea, it was a great combo if I do say so myself. I continued looking for a job today, still nothing, but there are applications out there so I have to wait and see what comes of all this applying and hoping. Diana Krall is on the jukebox tonight, and she is making me groove to the jazz beat. I had a tuna caserol tonight for dinner, it was made with cream of chicken soup and lemon pepper lingunie. It was interesting to say the least, but not that good, only moderatly good. Oh and the other night I saw "Troy". It was alright, nothing to write home about, I guess since I'm writing about it I am in a way writing home, but none the less there was lots of blood and Computer Generated things, and granted some sweet fights, but some of the acting was not up to par and it was just kind of a disapointment from all the hype it got. Enough babble for now, go and walk in the rain.
Liner Notes
An Online Guide To The Life and Times Of T.I.Houghton.
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