So YC finished yesterday and today was a day of rest. I watched a film, read a book, and sat around. I therefore have no energy with which to write something so I will cut and paste and format a survey that I spent a great deal of today on. I'm going on tour in the spring with a worship band, so this is a survey that we all filled out to get to know each other better.
My favourite food is La-zahn-ya and Cee-zer Salad. My favourite genre of food is Italian, and I love going for pasta on almost any occasion. Pasta is the only thing that has kept me alive this semester
Favourite CD The very first non Christian album that I owned was Oasis – What’s the Story Morning Glory, and besides not having a sense of music when I was younger, I still hold this album as my dearest.
TV show I can't miss while touring I will not miss anything, well maybe the National with stud Peter Mansbridge. Since my family has never had a TV I never really got to watching shows, although since acquiring the internet I have been downloading shows, my favourite being Iron Chef.
Favourite ethnic cuisine Thai.
Least favourite food Seafood. I believe it comes from growing up in a landlocked province and not having a viable source of sea items to eat, or it could have to do with the fact that my parents dislike eating sea creatures and only served us kids the fish which as been battered and then fried and then eaten with loads of ketchup and tartar sauce.
Favourite Day of the week Saturday – for those of you who remember the Caf in Regina there was something about the greasy food that just brought people together. I really love breakfast.
Last paper I have written Willy Brandt and Ostpolitik for “History of the Cold War
Favourite instrument to listen to piano, strings and brass in rock music. It is a medley of the best of both worlds. One of the greatest songs with this phenomenon displayed is the Verve’s (not to be confused with the Verve Pipe) “Bittersweet Symphony”,
Favourite sport New Zealand All Blacks Rugby
Movie I can quote every line to I have a horrible Memory, but the closest film to knowing would be “Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure” (Starring Canoe Reeves), or the songs to “Sound of Music”.
Favourite Bible verse Something in 2 Timothy 1:7. God did not give us a sprit of fear, but of power and might.
Most despised song Nickelback, Creed, any of those clone bands that keep popping up like cockroaches all over the place without any explanation.
How religiously do you watch the OC? Seeing as I dislike TV already, I must say that I do not even know what The OC is. From what people have told me it’s a show about people that have conflicts. Doesn’t this show have Jack Black in it? If it doesn’t it should.
Do you get mad when the OC is not on? I get mad when I cannot watch Iron Chef, and the letters “O” and “C” are included in “Ir[o]n [C]hef”, so I must say that I get mad when the “OC” irOn Chef is not on.
The song that reminds me the most of growing up My dad is a huge Keith Green fan so the song which I heard the most of because it is so long was the Prodigal son suite, which is a great song. I always think back to the good ol days when I hear Keith pound those piano keys.
My ideal band name (doesn't have to be churchy) Traffic Light
My weirdest quirk wearing multiple layers of clothing.
Best trait I got from dad I can’t grow decent facial Hair. My dad does have a moustache, and that’s considered facial hair, but the rest of his face is patchy and such. When I did not shave for November of last year the hair on my face was not a nice looking beard, it was bald in some spots and hairy in others. This all means that I can go for days without shaving and it won't be a big deal.
Best trait I got from mom My Blue Eyes
The annoying trait everyone will learn during the first week of tour They say that dairy is good for the body because it gives you calcium, and I agree, but my body disagrees. I wish I could control the outcome of eating dairy, but my digestive system has its own agenda and there for I will consume small amounts of dairy in an effort to limit the result of such an action.
Accomplishment I'm most proud of Selling my First Photograph
But I'm least proud about My work Ethic, or lack there of.
Do you sing in the shower? Oh Yes I do, sometimes without noticing, sometimes simply because I like the sound of my own voice, and other times because the water is too cold
The thing that makes me smile regardless Saying good morning to God and a hug from a dear friend.
5 years from now I want to be A journalist in a different Country, on a different continent, married, and a lighter body.
25 years from now I want to be Working for National Geographic so that I can retire by taking pictures and getting paid to travel the world doing stories on all sorts of things.
I get excited by Food, sunsets, sunrises, girls, music, nice Cameras, Pete Yorn, vests, walks, pretty much everything aside from seafood and arguing Americans
If you could be stranded on an island with one person, besides Jon Morrison, who would it be? This is quite a difficult question. I thought at first for some reason that it would be cool for Ghandi to be there, and then I vetoed that idea. Then Mel Gibson popped into my head, also random, and he could look cool, but that’s it, then I think that it would be nice to have someone who knew how to get me off the island and Tom Hanks got himself of the island in that movie, so why couldn’t he do it again. And plus I would get to meet Tom Hanks. So my brother Josh it is.
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