Sunday, February 22, 2004

I spent this entire week sleeping, no thats a lie, I spent the entire week thinking about sleeping. Why is it that as soon as I have time off I end up staying up later and later rather than going to bed on time and getting quality sleep. I did some reading, so the week wasent a total waste. But really reading week should be entitled "Sleep Week" or "Watch Movies Week" or "Eat Food Week" but instead its called "Reading Week" because someone somewhere thinks they know students, my notion is that it is some underpaid dean of students at CBC who thinks they know what is hip with the teens these days. I disagree. I find that they are interjecting their own prejudices about what this break week should be about into the wording of the title of the break. On second Thought maybe if I had done work then the Reading week title may have made sense. Enough blabbering about that junk for now. It was great weather here today. The sun was out, the trees moved in a breeze, and the building cast cool shadows all over downtown. I even wore shorts for the later part of today, it was great. I remembered Tin Tin today, I havent seen one of those comics in years. I think the new project for me is to find some copies of Tin Tin at a used book store. I would imagine that they would have some. The sun is going down, and that means that in a few hours I will be able to go to bed, hurrah, until then I will remain awake.


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