Sunday, February 08, 2004

Seeing as this has been so random this year I have decided to continue with the randomness and sporatic entry's. Well so far this year I have gone to the states, had a flood, been cold all the time, had some bad food, some good food, watched good and bad movies, and read lots and lots and lots of words, much like you are doing now. But seriously I went through this period of deep depression, I am not one to have my emotions so messed with, but I'm currently taking a class on antisemetism and the Holocaust. I had to read a concise history of the Holocaust and write a book review on it. This is the source of said depression. I was reading and trying to stay positive, but in the end I found it so hard to find the good parts. The book ended right as the allies were freeing people from the camps, and thus there was no closure to the end of the war. Then I had to write the paper. It dident help that the weather was like minus 50 billion out, and I was finding it hard to sleep with the window closed. (We, Troy and I, did not want the window to freeze open, so we opted to have it freeze closed. So not only was our apartment warm, and I dislike warm humid places, but the air was kinda stale, which is not good for a guys apartment. In the middle of all this cold, freeze your eye balls weather we had a fire alarm. No joke, some freshmen on the first floor spilled grease on his stove which made a huge cloud of smoke which made the building have to be evacuated. It was mighty cold out let me tell you. So aside from these problems life has been good, interesting, always interesting. I was contracted to take my first freelance pictures a week ago. The school wanted some pictures of the dorm so I took some and got 20 bucks out of the deal, it was pretty keen. I just finished reading Maus, a comic book by Art Spiegelman retelling his fathers survival of the Holocaust in comic strips. It blew my mind. I read it for the first time a long time ago when my friend, Ian G, lent it to me. This time I had a better knowledge of what actually happened so I appricated it even more. After writing this I have just realized that I need to write a paper on it for this thursday, I should get on that soon, which means I leave the reader with a final thought.

"It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime. What better place then here, what better time then now?"
Rage Against the Machine.


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