So you may be wondering why there have not been any posts in the last little while, and I fear that you may have developed some crazy idea's about what I have been doing, let me quell the fire before the rumors get out of hand. No I do not have a girlfriend, no I did not go to Alaska on a fishing trip, no I did not fall asleep while writing an exam and wake up 2 weeks later inside a coffin, I did get sick and lose my voice, no I did not take a midnight walk and get mugged (though it might happen here), its true that I have been busy and trying to read, write papers, study, and generally stay sane, and no I did not go sky diving. So really what it boils down to was that my life was kinda boring, I dident want to write here as well as papers, I am sick of pasta (I never thought I would say that), and in general I am sick of school. Its been a tough couple weeks for classes, papers, reading, exams, relationships. So really everything. But there have been some points of happiness during the past little while. Well there was the Christmas banquet, an annual black tie event where there is a service of sorts, then eating and then a program. It was pretty good this year. The food was dodgy, no fault of the planners of the event, it was simply the caterers fault. Then there was an after banquet party at Mike Schalins house where be basically sat around and chilled, which was totally cool since I mostly felt like sleeping. After that night of glory I had mad amounts of homework to do, papers to write, reading to get done (theres a theme here), so I spent many days and nights holed up in my room trying to get all this work done. I got it done, but it was not the quality I had hoped. I had done papers my first 2 years at college mostly the night or two before it was due, this year I started earlier and I still did not acomplish the quality that I wanted to. Its a tough life when your a third year. One of the papers was comparing Akira Kurosawa's film "Ran" to Shakespeare's "King Lear". I really enjoyed the film and it has opened my eye to a new director. At the start of the week of terror, I had an oral exam in my Christianity in the Second Century class. This was made almost impossible by the fact that I had lost my voice the morning after the Christmas banquet. So I trugged through the exam to pull out a semi-decent but not that great mark. I have since re-gained my voice, though I still feel like I have a cold. Anyways after this exam I spent much time writing and reading for my other classes, this was not helped by the fact that I was getting sick and needed to study for my Ethic's examination. So I finally did get to study for Ethic's and it was alright, but not that great. I dont really know how I did, I will hopefully find out before I head home for the holidays, which is in about 5 days, yeah! So thats just the start of exam week and now I have 2 more this comming wednesday, which should be fun, if you like studying until names and dates are throughly confused. Well now that your all caught up on my life and its happenings, feel free to send Christmas gifts my way as well as any food, other than elbow macaroni. Peace.
Liner Notes
An Online Guide To The Life and Times Of T.I.Houghton.
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