Tuesday, November 11, 2003

I would advise you to never see "The Rundown" with Sean Williams Scott, from American Pie, and The Rock. It was a cinematic atrosoty. Granted there were those who were in the theatre who like that kind of trash, the kind of people who have cell phones that go off in the middle of the movie, the type of people who make ad jokes before, during, and after the movie, and think that they are so cool because they swear every other word (I have lots of issues with these type of people, espically with these types of people in the theatre, and sitting right behind me). Unfortunetly the movie was bad, but fortunetly it was only 2 dollars. And also fortunetly I went with friends who made it worth while.

I apologize for the negitivity of this update, I had an aggravating day.

What you may ask made this day aggravating besides a bad movie, well let me tell you. This morning we had a chapel, and rightfully so it is rememberence day, and as Canadians we have a lot to be thankful for. So I got up early this morning to go to this chapel in the Historic "Knox United Church". I get there and it looks like it might be a memorable moment since there is so much history in the building. There are plaques on the wall commemorating those who had left from the congregation to fight in a war, and dident come back. They are quite elaborate and I had seen them prior to today and was hoping that there might be a mention made about the sacrifice those who were mentioned made. To my dismay and disapointment there was no such mention. In fact the actual Rememberance Day portion of the chapel consisted of singing "O Canada", hearing a scripture reading, the playing of a bugal call (I am not even sure if it was Taps) and then a moment of silence, and then the singing of "God Save The Queen". Thats it, I kid you not. After this poor display of patriotism there was a short concert put on the the choirs of CBC, the College Coral, and The Chapel Singers. The whole chapel lasted no more then 20 mins. I was distraught at this and shared my displeasure with others. My Grandfather trained pilots in the war. I remembered Him and his contrabution to the war and can only imagine what those who lost a loved one in the war were thinking about today. I felt betrayed by those who plan the chapel and wish now that I would have skipped it all together and found a cenitaph somewhere and paid my respects there and not in a chapel where the focus was on a Choir. Granted it was chapel, but as christians were are called to follow our leadership, and if the government calls us to go to war we are obliged to follow. Those who died protecting my freedom should not be remembered by simply adding them to a choral chapel but they should be honored specially. November 11 is one day a year and is it too much to ask to make time to remember, possibely hear from a vetrean who is a Christian, or something. My elementry years held better Rememberance Day programs then a college, I find this depressing. What I also find disapointing is that I also had school today. While the rest of the city had the day off we had to endure classes. It was more annoying then anything. But enough of me ranting and raving I shall go and make tea, it always calms me down. If you ever want to get ahold of me dont hesitate to write or you can write and ask for my phone number and then you can call me, that would be super cool. Peace and happy Rememberance Day.


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