Wednesday, January 28, 2004

So I am sitting here in my apartment with the worst of my fears realized. We had a small flood in the south east corner of the apartment. I have spent the last couple of hours trying to figure out why this has happened to me. And as you might realize I have this mad paranoia of floods, fires, and really anything the TVR (Thompson Valley Restoration). had cleaned up when I worked for them. So basically I am freaked out of my mind seeing as I hated going into other peoples houses and having them displaced because of disasters. Really, so if you could send me some disaster love, that would be great. Drop me a line here and then we can chat and I can share my paranoia with you. And Yes I am fine in every other way, my mind is a little scattered as you can see by this little update, but really I just want to be hugged. Thanks for reading about my day, I wish that TVR was here so they could do this for me, but sadly they are not and thats a little annoying but alas, peace yo.


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