Today in the Calgary Herald there is this story: "Christian College to Grant Degrees". Notice the good looking male in the black and white picture. He looks like he is quite the studious little student. But this is the story that that Herald dosent tell the reader. The student is in fact late for his midterm exam in Cold War History. He is studying like a madman for the upcomming test and is pretty much freaking out. Once the picture was taken he dashed madly about 10 steps to his class where Eric deBruyn, histroy prof, was waiting for said student to come to class. It took some time to calm down, but then the student got into test writing mode, and wrote the exam. The student awoke this morning with friend and neighbour Ian Elford advising the student of his inclusion in the daily Calgary Herald. It was a joy for the student to go and buy a paper and find himself right there on the second page of the B section. It made his day. And now onto other news. Said student walked to the school to check his mail and walked by his favorite constuction site to see how it was comming. He was amazed today when one of the carpenters talked to him. The Student had been waving at said carpenter whenever he saw him but today was the first verbal contact. This simple act has made the students week. Now said student must study about politics in order to become more smarter in the world, as well as to pass his mid-term tomorrow.
Liner Notes
An Online Guide To The Life and Times Of T.I.Houghton.
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