Sunday, March 14, 2004

Do you ever have those times when your in an elevator and it's really awkward and such. I had this experience yesterday, it was not my first time, but it just proved the point to myself. So I was waiting for Pizza in the lobby after curfew and the pizza guy came and I got the za. Then a person of the female gender comes strolling in like nothing was wrong, but clearly she was late for curfew. We got on the elevator and went to my floor, which is 3, and she continues on. However, she says goodnight to me as I leave the elevator. This is troubling for a number of reasons, first we had not said a word while riding the elevator, second I dont even know her name. She may have been simply being polite, but it is so awkward when people on the lift offer random phrases and sentences. I'm all for randomness, and awkwardness is keen, but sometimes there is no need for such comments, just say nothing and go on your way, if there is a feeling of need just supress it. Anyways thats it for now. Oh one more thing, I'm currently reading Microserfs, fitting title since the last book I read was about the road to serfdom. Cool eh?


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