Monday, March 01, 2004

On the prompting of friend and confidant Micheal Schalin I will update today. Last night I attended a party dedicated to the viewing of the Oscars program. Suprisingly there were only guys there, suprising because its rare for just men to hang out together, well maybe not rare, but certinally odd. Anyways, the awards were boring as rice. I mean there was the comedy of Billy Crystal and others, but over all it was generally a snooze-fest, not like my stomache last night after eating Kraft Dinner. The suprise, and by suprise winner I mean I wanted her to win, but since things were not going well I did not expect it, winner of the eve was Sofia Coppola. She won for her Original Screenplay "Lost in Translation", which is a great film. Worthy of many more awards, but sadly LOTR was there in force, along with greasy Peter Jackson. If I were going to the Oscars I would do my top button of my shirt up and comb my hair, and shave. This man did none of the above mentioned items. It was quite disturbing to see him in almost every other shot, because LOTR won almost every other award. Peter won best director and best film and others, but really as discribed by aformentioned Micheal Schalin, it was the last in the trilogy so they better had won something or the world would implode. So as you can see, my sunday eve was boring, as was much of my week. I had some fairly decent walks in the last couple of days. Nearly jumped out of my skin while walking near a train track, on a pathway so I was safe. The train came out of the fog and some bells started going off, it was most frightening. I have been reading alternatley between "History of the Cold War" and "Political Ideologies", the Cold War book being of more stimulating material. It snowed today, thank goodness none of it stayed on the ground, it mearly blew away and evaporated into the warmish air. If it had stayed then calgary drivers would have found ways to get into an outrageous amounts of accidents, leading to more body work being done at the car dealership across the street, leading to me not getting enough sleep, leading to me being tired tomorrow, leading me to not listen in class, leading me to fail the final, leading me to become an anarchist, leading me to forget all the ideology that I have read about. So in the end, the snow not only would have caused accidents, but in the end I would have wasted my hard earned money on a class that I would just forget in order to become an anarchist. With that in mind hopefully it does not snow tomorrow, and if it does I will be sure to take a nap.


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