Wednesday, March 10, 2004

It feels as though the last week has flown by, and really it has, if you consider sitting at a desk and reading flying by. Currently I'm reading F.A. Hayek's book "Road to Serfdom". A tantilizing look at what the world has become with the onset of socialism. Written in 1944, Hayek tends to be dry often offering up a tiny morsel near the end of each chapter, which is dutyfully underline and make note of it so that I can use it in my paper. This is not simply a reading of the book, no, this is a reading and then writing 7 pages on what his main arguments are. This evening should prove to be rather stimulating as I attempt to write all 7 pages for tomorrow. I needed to clear my mind from all this economic garble so I decided to update this little shindig seeing as it has been a week since I last updated. I have been doing so much reading, I actually spent part of a dream reading. I think one of the benifets of reading all this smart stuff is the fact that my dreams are very random. I had a dream about reading, a dream about having a bath in Ben Fold's (a musician) house (without actually meeting Ben Folds. What a crazy couple of nights those were. Anyways I need to start up the reading again. Thanks for reading.


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