Monday, April 05, 2004

In the apartment above me some males, known simply as "Horrible musician types". They have been playing bad and I mean B-A-D music all afternoon, thus prompting me not to read and to instead write. Yesterday I was writing and then I came to a block and thus ended the update, I dont apoligise for this action due to the fact that had I written anymore it would have been horrible and bad to read. I went out for steak dinner last night on the YC Budget. It was mighty fine, and by fine I mean F-I-N-E like a wine, or a cheese. I felt all full and warm and then I went to bed early. It was so great, real food and real good times. The boys upstairs are still making noise, though they sometimes quite for a moment, I assume to discuss amoungst themselves how they can better make my ears bleed. Its a sad state of affairs. IT APPEARS THEY HAVE STOPPED. Only one thing could have happened, The universe must have imploded and I'm caught in the eye of the storm so that I can still be alive and not dead. Led Zeppelin has just magically appeared in my speakers, perhaps it is because I added them to my playlist. It is a great thing to rock out to the zep. And a bonus of having music playing on the speakers is that it drones out the nastyness comming from upstairs. Yes they are continuing to play, though at a lower level perhaps since someone went and yelled at them, sadly it wasent me. I have a band practice in 1/2 hour in preperation for the upcomming Kraftwerk tour. I wish the bands name was Kraftwerk, but it remains Crafted, even if they changed the "C" to a "K" would it be cool...Krafted. Then we could be sponsered by the company which has been feeding me all this semester. Never underestimate the power of Kraft Dinner in the Hands of a poor College Student. I had a hotdog and some pasta for dinner tonight, it was quite nice with a little of my mothers amazing "Christmas Relish". This relish is not the usual kind, nope, it is made with the dreaded vegitable Zuccheni. Somehow she turns this green and yellow monstrosity into this wonderful, sweet yet a little tart sensation called "Christmas Relish". Its so good on burgers, hotdogs, etc. Amazing. You know what else is amazing, Peters Drive In. Is it ever. So good. Its Amazing. The sentences are short, thus the mind in numbing and the fingers are tireing and eyes drooping. Maybe I will meet someone of interestingness on the train as I rid to practice.


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