May 10th, Chance of Snow
Today I awoke to cloudy skies and a warmness in my heart. I had a shower came back into my room to sit down and have my morning meal and my daily dose of Friends. I looked out to South Calgary and thought that it seemed even more cloudy then when I had left to take my shower. I looked a little closer and the clouds were swirling and then I realized that they were not real clouds, but that it was snow falling to the earth, like some long overdue April fools joke. It is May 10th, and usually around this time the sun is out warming the earth, and causing plants to grow. But today the snow falls and wets the earth with its precipitation. I find it kind of odd that it is snowing, but at the same time I half expect it from the glorious city of Calgary. In other news, I have been working for a while at a fairly unconventional job, well unconventional for me. I really enjoy it, the people are great and I am learning a great deal about the product that I am selling, so its a win win situation. I also go for an interview today at a major corporation, which would be nice since I have to pay rent for next month. As a side note, I have decided not to mention the exact names of my places of employment due to some of the litigation going around regarding bloggers and their places of employment. If you want to know more about where I work then e-mail me. For now I will continue to look for work and work at my job, and enjoy life.
Not saying where you work? Either you dont want to get robbed or what ever else... common its not as embarassing as mcdaonlds.
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