Sunday, March 06, 2005

Aura Borealis aka "Northern Lights"

Yes indeed this is a day of Glory. First of all the day was pretty much shot besides the article I talked about a few hours ago, but then the most amazing thing happened. I was going for a walk, and was attempting to find a female to accompany me on such a walk, walks with women are generally quality, but could not rustle up a walking partner so I walked alone, which is also fine since I have good times of solace and contemplation walking by the river alone. So I was on this walk taking it slow and enjoying the crisp air, when I heard the river and decided to walk towards it. So I start walking down this path that is a little darker then the rest and I looked up and saw what appeared to be a patch of green cloud in the sky. I looked harder and saw that it was shifting. Now I am no expert of the night sky, I like to think of myself as a casual friend of the night sky, knowing enough to make myself appear to be smart in the presence of women. So I said to myself, Self you might have some schmeg (schmeg is an undescribable substance) on your glasses making you see poorly. I then cleaned my glasses and the green sky was still there, and it was continuing to move. One sec while I get some Apple Cider. Now I am getting warmer and able to continue the story. So the green sky of movement was still in motion and I decided to stop and gather my thoughts. I stared at the sky for a few minutes and decided that, with my limited knowledge of the night sky, these were the fabled Northern Lights I had heard of and seen only a handful of times, once being in Regina and the other on the way to Mike Schalins current residence "Vermillion". So with the knowledge that I was viewing the Northern Lights I moved to higher ground to watch them for an unspecified amount of time. I stood on a hill and absorbed the lights wishing that I had my camera, but then realizing that one does not need a camera for all occasions, some occasions are meant for simple enjoyment. As I stood on this hill the lights were getting brighter and brighter, and I was fully enjoying myself. I then noticed some people on the path that looked like friends from school, and indeed they were Grace and Kathy. I met them on the path and directed their attention to the sky and they were amazed so all three of us retreated to the crest of the hill to watch the show. The lights came and went in phases and then a batch of lights lit the entire NE section of the sky and the three of us stood in awe of what we just saw. After the bright bright section of display the two ladies were cold so we waited for a few more moments and saw some green spikes in the sky and then began the journey home. I guess journey is much to strong of a word, but after an occasion like the one I had just witnessed I felt as though I could take a journey and survive. And thus ends my story of the Aura Borealis and their profound effect on my day and on the week to come. I will now sip my apple cider and chat with M.Schalin until bed time.


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