Saturday, March 05, 2005

Truthful Dreaming

It occured to me today, while taking a long and contemplative shower, that when someone tells you a story of how their dream that they had went most people simply accept the truth told to them by the dreamer. The nature of such truth telling I suppose is inherent in the fact that the only person to know how the dream went was the one dreaming. For all purpose and reason the person telling the story could be lying and all the while getting laughs for the crazy dream that they had. I suppose that this could be a tactic for someone who is desperate for social approval, and since no one could prove that the dream was invalid the storyteller, said storyteller could then go on sharing lies for their own benefit, or perhaps simply for the amusement of others. Could one really add a clause to their story saying that perhaps they embelleshed it a bit or made it up one day while bored? Dreams are like these mini adventures in the human mind, which can be funny, odd, scary, and informative all at the same time. For some reason I have not had a scary/frightening dream in quite some time, and yet I know girls who have dreams that wake them up every night in fear. I am quite happy that I don't have to deal with such grief. However on the other side of the coin it is a rare occasion that I dream at all. Only a few times do I remember having vivid dreams of any consequence. I remember one dream in particuar where I was reading histroy textbooks. That was the entire dream was me sitting and reading and reading and reading. I felt kinda ripped off since I had spent the previous week before this dream reading history, and I think that do to such extensive reading I was dreaming about reading. Another dream had me walking through Ben Folds, the famous rockstar's, house. Anyways how would you even know that I had these dreams or if I was just making up some good stories. It boils down to the source, and the critizism of the source (much like those history minded scholars in the 1500's were starting to use to prove that the sources they were using were truthful and accurate). Well thats about all the truth I can handle for today. Sweet Dreams.


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