Sunday, March 13, 2005

Another Brick in the Wall

I like Pink Floyd, but not half as much as I like Oasis. Speaking of brick walls, I hit one, metaphorically speaking of course. I have 41 days until I graduate from AUC and am a free man. What seems to be the problem then Tim? You are almost there. Well the problem goes by the name of "complete non-caring". And by that I mean I don't care really how I finish the year, if I make it past the finish line half asleep I dont think I would notice too much. I find these feelings to be most agravating since I usually am able to get things done on time and with ease, but this year the assignments which I have to acomplish are so monolithic that at times I cannot see past them to the end of the year. At times I have even contemplated dropping out of school and becoming a construction worker. It seemed like a great plan until I remembered how I spent a few summers ago doing something of that nature and after so much sweat I have grown to dislike the general notion of construction. So with construction out of the picture I suppose that I should simply buckle down and get too it. I talked to my mom today and she told me that it comes down to simple will. I need to put aside all of my wants for a few more weeks and just get things done, without whining too much. I will leave you in an attempt to get some of this thing called "perseverance".


At 10:16 PM, Blogger Shaolin said...

Timothy, i find it shocking and wonderful that both of us mentioned Pink Floyd in our Blogs in the same day. Mind blowing, i think we have some sort of psychic connection or something...except that psychics are the devil. Anyway, just wanted to point that out, keep going buddy, you are almost there!

At 1:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ira, I do believe the "Aurora Borealis" you saw was in fact just swamp gas. Yet the heightened awareness of life and spiritual sensitivity that resulted was no less legitimate. Unless your a charismatic, your not a charismatic are you?
I don't mean to remove one of the bricks from your well laid wall. But sometimes the best laid plans won't get you laid as you planned. Fair Enough?

At 7:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY Tim, for joining X so you could comment! I think you will do a most excellent job of completing your time at AUC. I know you can do it. GO TIM!!! RAH RAH!

At 10:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

irod here.

I realized today more than ever that post-college life is a sham. I thought I was joining a fun company but it's just another corporation full of backstabbers and selfish people. Stay in school kids.


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