Saturday, July 03, 2004

This random blog is brought to you by Chintz and Co., and by a angry drunk homeless man. Many of you know that today was my first day at my new job. I have not been keeping up with writing in here since I was kinda depressed with not having a job and since I felt not part of the world I thought it would be best to keep my thoughts to myself. Today was an alright day I guess. I'm pretty tired since I spent a good part of the day carrying things this way and that. The rest of the day I spent unpacking art, which was pretty cool, well the art was cool, the prices which they were charging for the art was not cool. If I could that kind of money for my pictures then I would never have to work again. Let me define the art I was unpacking. You know those neat little signs that say "Paris" or "London" or "Don't Disturb". That is that kind of art I was unpacking. It was the trendy hang in your bathroom variety, not the kind which I would define as real art, like an original oil painting. Anyways, I'm now a shipper reciever for Chintz and Company, which is kind of an oxy moron since they do not chintz you at all when it comes to quality, the stuff is really expensive, and perhaps it has a higher quality value then other things, but in general it seemed like a higher class Pier 1, without the high volume of stench from the candles. So I spent a lot of time moving customers stuff around, one woman in particular I was helping load some potting pots of great size and weight. I had carried them to the back shipping area and was attempting to place them in her BMW SUV, when a drunk apparently homeless man comes and asks us for 75 cents. Now I'm poor and without cash so I say no, and its the honest truth. Now the woman also says no, and she has every right to. I dislike giving money to street people since you have no control over what they spend it on, but thats another issue. This drunk man then proceeds to accost this poor woman verbally, and I step up, being the great shipper/reciever that I am and I ask the man to leave. He verbally harrassed us some more and then he left. It was and interesting experience. Anyways that was my day, now I'm back at home chillen in my crib. Come monday I'm sure there will be more to share.


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