Sunday, November 06, 2005

Why a Walrus?

I sit here in the comfort of my home, high above the city of Calgary, and in the next room I can hear the Beatles singing about an animal that is not too nice to look at. Yes they are large and in charge, but so are other animals. So I ask myself why did the Fab Four choose to sing about a Walrus? Was it their animal of choice due to the fact they had just seen pictures of a coastline somewhere, and a large and slighty incharge beast was sunning itself on a rock? I wonder how the song would have been different had they seen pictures of a cuddly and cute Koala. "I am the eggman, they are the eggmen, I am the Koala, Goo goo g' joob". Anyways enough thinking about the Beatles for a moment. Today was a great day. It snowed last night so this morning was just a beauty. I had a shower and was puting on my sunday best (read: jeans + plaid + scarf = Sunday Best), and what do I hear from the living room? The one and only Pat Boone! Ian, (read: Roommate) had decided that it was time for Christmas music, I protested then realized that it was infact a great day for the music of Christmas. I then agreed and enjoyed Pat Boone for the first time this season. Then to church for a glorious sermon, and then to the Buhlers for Brunch, which really turned into Bruinner and then into this glorious feast of waffles and sausage and bacon. Then some chess and Iron Chef and then home. So as far as seventh day rests go, today was one of the best in a few months. And now I am ready for bed, but will not head to bed as I still want to read or listen to music or watch a film. Basically to feed my desire to knowledge and to escape into someone elses reality for a moment. Anyways until next time and in the words of Red Green, "Keep your stick on the ice".


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