Friday, February 28, 2003

After that massive attack of a post that I posted on monday I thought it best to stay a little while away from writing and such. This week has been alright with work and such. I did reading, framed a picture, and listened to good music. I am still waiting for the pics of the concert and that will be a glorious day when I see then and wish to be back there again. School is awkward seeing as we lost a lot of space with the fire. I now have 3 classes in the Balconey of Simpson Chapel, which is most uncomfortable and the seats are small. I also have a class now in another chapel we have here called Tozer, named after the great man A.W. Tozer, and Simpson chapel named after A.B. Simpson who founded the Alliance denomination. Today at Lunch there was a meeting for the Alliance Party in the Gourmet Bean, a coffee shop which caters to those not eating in the caf, thus shutting down the whole operation. This is also due to the fire and all of the relocation that needs to get done off people who were forced out of their offices by smoke or water damage. We are fairly tight packed into the inside of our school now and its hard for some to adjust while others are having a great adventure. I am one who is having a great adventure. It is humorous to see people in places where you would never expect to see them. On top of it all this sunday we have open dorms, which allows members of the oppisite sex into the dorms to hang out with us, us being males. It hopefully will be top notch and fun for all. Dinner tonight was horrible, some meat stew thing and some pasta thing and then some rice thing. What saved this meal was the toast and cereal. Without those two staples I dont know how I would hold out. Now that I have spilled my beans spill yours to me at . Peace.


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