Went to Jars of Clay and Cadmones call last night and was totally blown away. The day started with the vehicle that I was supposed to be travelling in not starting and having to borrow another vehicle which turned out not to have heat, but I will get to that later. We departed around 10:30 bound for Minot North Dakota via the North Portal border crossing. We stopped at Subway for lunch and that was nice and warm since the air outside was at an apparently record setting low. We got to the border crossing hopeing to get across with no problems. It so happens that they get like 3 cars a day and had to make sure that we were alright. I dont blame them, its a totally different world after all this crazy terriorist stuff. Anyways we had to go and fill out some forms and then got to have a personal interview with a customs officer. It was all good but the scaryest part for me was when we were sitting after our interview waiting for the rest of the group to be done and we were looking at all the FBI wanted posters. It was scary since you see it in the movies and stuff, but I saw it in real life and that was sketchy. After the border incident we left and went to Minot, found the auditorium, and then went to a mall. It was American so I wanted to look around. I found Old Navy and it was a great store, where I wish I had more money so that I could buy clothes. None the less it was tireing after a day of driving to wander around a mall. We then proceeded back to the auditorium where we got inside and were warmed and then went to the floor and waited for the concert to start. Randall Goodgame opened and he was quite good. For an opening act he put on a heck of a show. Then Cadmonens Call showed up and they were loud and good. Their piano player played a B3 Rock organ and it was a show in itself to watch him play. They put on a great show and then there was an intermission before Jars played. I had learned earlier in the evening that it was an acoustic set, which warmed my heart seeing as I love more acousticy music and to see one of my favorite bands play their stuff acoustic was phenominal. When Jars came on stage they reminded me of a group of vegabonds who had just been travelling through Europe. They had long hair and one had a beard. The lead singer proceeded to tell us that they made of point during this tour to be as lazy as possible. In the spirit of this lazyness they proceeded to get a member of the audience to pick a song from a hat that they had and then they played the song. They played Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, and this annoyed me since I came to Hear Jars and not some covers of other songs. But after this thought I was reminded of the fact that Cadmonens Call played the Beatles song, We Can Work It Out. The hat went on almost the entire time, with some of their favorites interjected here and there. There was a rousing redition of a song called Flood accompinied by some fancy lights and smoke. They finished on a high note and left the stage with the crowd wanting them to come back. They came back and played Frail and Worlds Apart. Two of the greatest songs Jars of Clay could have played that night. With our fill of loud music we left and went to McDonalds for some post show food. This turned out to be a good scene. Did you know that the Iced Tea in the States in Unsweetened? I found it rather refreshing, despite what other thought. We started for home and I was in a car with heat until we got to Tim Hortons in Esteven. Oh and we had no trouble at the border. So I switched out of the car with heat into another car for the comfort of both myself and another person who needed warmth more than I. I was cold but the hot chocolate from Tim Hortons was great and it warmed my innards. We drove and drove and drove for what felt like forever and finally we got to Regina and were greated with Cold Cold Cold weather. This trip in the car with no heat will be remembered by the coldness on my face and the sheer freezing of the air comming out of the air vents. Well why dident we stop the air? Simply because there were five humans who need to breathe in the car to stay alive. Within each breath is a little bit of water vapor which settles on the windows and creates Ice. The cold air kept some of this crystalization at bay for the time being. So we got back to Regina and there was much rejoiceing, I never thought I would say that with so much conviction. Ben McNab and I walked the Girls back the their dorm, this is to protect them from the pychos who seem to like hanging around out school all the time. We then ran back to the dorm. Remember that the air is colder than it has been all year and we are running thus creating our own little wind chill. My face still is a little tender from that incidet. And then I had a shower and went to bed. This story is now over. I took pictures but the roll is in the middle so I dont think I will be getting them back for a little while. It was a great day filled with memories and people and coldness and Janna Keller losing her camera at McDonalds in Minot (it was a sorrowful time when I heard that). Anyways I have run out of things to tell you. Remember to sign the Guest Book. Peace.
Liner Notes
An Online Guide To The Life and Times Of T.I.Houghton.
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