Friday, February 14, 2003

Happy Valentines Day. Its been a while huh? The last week has been busy with everything. I worked on assignments all last week and read stuff and stuff. Then on Sunday I played bass for the monthly time of worship that we have here called "Beggars Feast". That was an interesting experience since my amplifier broke half way through the set and it was hard to concentrate after that. Then I went and ate Mac and Cheese. I have one more class today and then a break of a week and a half. I am looking forward to this with great antipipation since Jim Kedge, the intern at Kamloops Alliance, is comming out here to snowy Regina in order to take a class during the next week. It will be great to see him for at least a little while. I am also looking forward to sleep seeing as that has been of short supply lately. This morning I had a midterm in Church History, which started at 8:30 in the morning. I awoke at the usual time of 7:30 so that I would have time to shower and such, but alas I turned off my alarm and thought I would be smart and use the snooze button, I have never in my life used the snooze button but this morning I thought I would try it. That was a bad decision on my part. I woke again at what appeared to be 8:13 but then I realized that my clock is 10 minuites fast. I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do other things the needed doing. I then ran, well walked fast, to class and had a horrible test. I was still waking up and my mind was not totally there, much to my dismay. Anyways after that I went to chapel and then came back to the dorm to have a shower and now I am talking to my good friend Riley on MSN. So now this thing is up to date. Oh and I havent got my camera back yet. Hopefully soon. I Love you Family. Peace. And dont forget to tell the ones you love that you love them.


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