Sunday, February 02, 2003

Until tonight I had forgotten how fun the game of Dutch Blitz was. I went with some people to dairy queen and then to the student lounge where we proceeded to play dutch blitz for about an hour. It started as only four people and then at the end we were playing with 8 people and there were hands flying all around the table and people yelling and pretty much mayham. It was beautyious. Anyways that was my night. Oh and we had open dorms today which was alright but none the less dumb seeing as it really was only a show and tell about your room. I put pictures all over one side of the room and it looks really cool. I am fairly sick of this place right now and I think I may go for a walk and clear my head before starting to read again. Adios. Peace. Oh and the camera is not back yet and I think that I am going into withdrawl. I used one of the guys camera's on my floor and that quelled the feeling of need of taking pictures for a while but now I am starting to fell antcy again.


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