Tuesday, October 26, 2004

It has been quite some time since I have shared with the readers of this here Liner Notes. The first months of school have been interesting, at times hectic and also at times chillen. I work at a place called Chintz & Company and still attend Alliance University College. I have moved my place of living from Dorms to a real live apartment. In fact I live on the 21st floor of a 23 floor building. It is quite exciting and invigorating. I have gone on 2 road trips so far this year with a band. One to Cody Wyoming in the US of A, and one to Cranbrook in the B of C. So it seems as though I have spent a great deal of time playing music, and you would be correct in assuming that. I only have 3 classes this semester and as such my work load from school is considerablly smaller then previous years. I usually work weekends at Chintz so that leaves me a decent amount of time to do school work as well as my duties as VP of Students council. I plan to graduate in May with a BA History and then after that perhaps SAIT or WORK or CHILL. In my apartment I live with my brother and 2 guys from my floor last year. Things are quite excellent. We all generally get along, not perfectely, but one cannot expect perfection. We enjoy making bread quite regularley, though Jordan, one of my roomates seems to have a serious problem making bread due to the fact that the last 2 loaves he has made have been pooched. And when I say pooched I mean that they have been little stubby loaves with a rather awkward flavor. Hopfully he will soon remedy this problem and make quality loaves again. In other news I went, with Josh, brother, to Muse last night. They blew the roof of the place. It was so loud and so genius and excellent music. It was something to be remembered. Ah so good. Well I must leave you now. But dont be afraid I will attempt to update more and more often.


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