Currently I am drinking Nog of the Egg variety, while reading a journalist's view on the Middle East. Needles to say its quite the night ahead of me. I worked at the Lovely Chintz this aft and was successful in pricing some expensive bathroom do-dads. I also learned that we have a Christmas party, which is genius since I have not been to a Christmas party ever in my entire life. I really hope that it is as good as it appears on TV and in movies. This day I also learned that I may have a ride in a car home for the break of Christmas. This endevor would be genius since my brother and I would otherwise have to take the bus, which I was not looking forward too due to the long ride and cramped style. I took a swig of the good ol egg nog and am blown away with how good it tastes. Thankfully it is only around once a year or else the taste would not be so special. Aside from feeling tired and generally sick from working today, I think Chintz does something to my system, I am feeling good, but not too motivated, although that will need to change due to the fact that I have a midterm on wednesday and 80 pages of reading to do. So in that mood I leave. Peace in the Middle East.
Liner Notes
An Online Guide To The Life and Times Of T.I.Houghton.
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