The Business of Ethics, or The Bussiness Ethics
Taking a break from a project on the ethics of the selling, advertising, and consumption of alcohol to underage humans. It is most interesting though it seems as though it it not the advertising that is to blame but rather the store owners who sell to underage teens. Things up in the downtown are most excellent. Earlier today I witnessed hooligans in the building across from us throwing paper airplanes from their balcony. A dream that I hope someday to recognize. They were yelling and generally being unruley, which is good for a time, but then as I was trying to read they kept yelling, which made me want to get out there and throw things from my balconey as well. Aside from that I have been working hard at hardly working, but still at the same time acomplishing much. Its quite fun in general being a student and just learning and wishing to be a deeper person in general. Anywho there is a blue book in front of me which contains case studies which I must read and prepare a presentation for class from, and this blue book calls my name, well really not my name but I am sure if it could talk it may call for a glass of water since the pages are so dry.
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