How To Dismantle A "+15"
Today was a day of glory. Well mostly, I am supposed to be writing a philosophy paper but its fairly obvious that I am not. Anyways the early parts of today were genius. I went to Business Ethics this morning, it is one of my favorite classes due to the fact that the other in the class generally intellectually battle while I sit with a smirk on my face until called upon. I usually offer some sort of responce which can be called intellegent, however sometimes I sound like a moron, not this morning. I was on the ball and able to offer a precise and accurate account of what I believed. You know that feeling when your on the ball and people are grunting, well mabye not grunting but affirming you non the less. Thats what it was like. Then from class I went out for coffee with 3 good friends, Tim Ross, Jon Morrison, Chris Thrones. It was good to sit down and chat. From there I headed to the +15's. Now in Calgary there are madly cold winters and in order that all the oil execs dont get cold they build these walk ways 15 feet above the ground, alas +15. Anyways I had always wanted to take it from near my house all the way east, so I did, and I walked from 8th Street SW to 1st Street SW all above the ground, not breathing fresh air and seeing all the sights that one can see. It is much like a small city in those halls. The reason for my trek all the way south was to aquire the newest release from famed band U2. I aquired such an album and headed back home. I attempted also to buy a flower for reasons that will become apparerent soon. I got home slipped "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb" by U2 into the stereo and basked in glory of the loud and pungent sounds emminating from the system. I then Proceeded to sit down and work on my paper which I am taking a break from right now. Halfway through working on this paper I was feeling a bit restless since I still had one item on my agenda left for this evening. I was to ask a girl to be my date for the annual Christmas Banquet. I was at odds as to how to do this since I am somewhat unconventional and will not settle for simply getting a rose and presenting it to her. Her favorite flower was one named "Daffodil". This was very hard to come by seeing as it is currently November and I was told by the lady who worked at "Growers Direct" that they were only avalible in Feburary. I was distraught, so I came up with a new plan. I was going to craft a flower out of ordinary paper and crayons. I researched the exact appearance of the flower and was astonished to find so many different varietys. I was a smidge ashamed since my father is an avid plant lover and I could not recall the look and or latin name of said Daffodil. So alas Google helped me out and I found the desired specs for the flower and started being crafty. It was quite a joy to use my hands to make something to be given away. I finished the flower, brushed my teeth and headed off to ask. I took the stairs down to the 6th floor, and since I live on the 21st floor it gave me some time. Needless to say I asked and she approved so I have a date for the banquet. With all of these factors, new CD, Date, Class, and paper, I have been having quite a day of joy. Now to get back to the pressing paper and its wordyness. Until Next time.
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