Up The Stairs to Bed
In true bad day fashion my day ended yesterday at 2:00am with a fasinating discussion with my brother about creation. I then started a bad day at 4:10am when the fire alarm in my building started going off. At first Josh and I were skeptical since I had already been through 2 false alarms here. He went back to sleep and I lay there pondering the right thing to do. I thought that it would probley be best to go out and see what the commotion was. I lay there for a few more minutes and then heard the sirens. So I got my tired self out of bed and headed out to the living room. All of a sudden Josh and I were aware of the smell of electrical smoke. We mutually agreed that we were to get out of the building ASAP. We awoke our roommates and trucked out the door. 21 floors later we were standing outside with fellow apartment renters and friends from lower floors. We stood around till about 6 and then began the long brutal journey back up the 21 floors due to the line up at the elevators being long like and anaconda. So after 21 flights of burning calve muscles I made it home and hit the sack. I was asleep almost immeditely. Then I went to class some 3 hours later and then had a nap. So basically this day is a write off, and now I need to work on philosophy. Shoot so much to do, so little time.
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