Panic is on the Way
Finished a mad long paper on the departed Moshe Dayan, former Israeli, former defense minister, former friend to Ariel Sharon, formerly alive. Anyways this paper, which I completed mearly moments ago was written entirely last night. Of course I stopped to go to "Nogs Eve", a party celebrating the opening of the festive season where Egg Nog a plenty was being served. I also then watched Fraiser with J-Town, aka my brother, and then worked on my paper until I was satisfied that I could complete it before 4 o'clock today. It seems as though I have acomplished such a task. It feels good to be done this paper, but there is no rest, I have a philosophy paper due next week sometime and mad amounts of reading/studying to do so I cannot rest until late next week when school is done. On a different yet more disturbing note, I was the only Hetrosexual male working at Chintz on the previous Sunday. It caught me by suprise since there is usually another hetrosexual male working in shipping, but this sunday it was simply me and a female shipper and then many other Female HDA (home design associates) working the floor, and one male HDA who is not of the hetrosexual orientation, if you catch my drift. Well thats enough controversy for me for one day.
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