Lost in Vermillion
"Vermillion, the coolest place you will ever be that starts with the letter 'V'" - Mike Schalin, as quoted during a rather long driving stint around the hallowed streets of V-Town. I have spent the last 2 days in Vermillion, getting to know its people and its distinctly cold atmosphere. I travelled to said town with the hopes of seeing one M.Schalin, and I did see him. It was a glorious few days away from the crazyness of life here in what I have dubbed "Word Central" as I attempt to read and understand what seems like librarys full of knowledge for my classes. The trip was also nessesary for me to gain some perspective due to some unfortunate events which came out of a phone call on Friday.
On Friday (before my departure for Vermillion), after Simon soundly squashed me 13-0, I came home and had a shower and was going to phone work to find out if I could get a day off for the upcomming "Spiritual Emphasis Days". I was in my kitchen, walking around not really doing anything besides brooding my loss at squash earlier in the day, when the phone rang and my roommate answered and handed it to me. It was a friend, and co-worker Cam. He informed me that our mutal place of work had put us both "On Call". I thought to myself "what", and then answered out loud with a long and sarcastic "cool". Cam then told me that we had been taken off the schedule all together and that our status remaind "On Call" for the rest of the schedule. I was kinda dumbfounded, kinda relieved, kinda shocked, and kinda mad. I did not understand why or how the powers that be had essentially laid Cam and I off. It was rather unsettling to think about. I spent a good amount of time thinking about such injustices and came to the conclusion that if they want me gone then I will not work there anymore. I will simply have to budget my money with greater care and will have to limit myself only to nessesities. I feel, after a weekend of thinking, that this will be good for me and that out of it all I might be able to learn something that could not have been taught had I remained employed. Thought I will miss the people there I will not miss the corporation and all that goes on there, which I do not care to discuss since it is most angering. I will say that I enjoyed my time and now that my time is up I will leave gracefully, after going in tomorrow to find out the real story and to sign my timesheet in an effor to get paid, and to spend my Christmas Gift Certificate. Well enough jibber jabber for one night, I will return at a later date.
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