Monday, January 10, 2005

Fall To Pieces

This eve I attended what is known as "Tehillah Monday" at the "First Assembly" church. It was quite an event. Worship was good speaker was good, generally a good time. I also spent 4 hours of today working, which in my opinion is alright since I get paid. I noticed today that I don't spend nearly enough time contemplating life. I rush about and attempt to put things into perspective, but I think the most effective source of balance is time, and lots of it. I took weekends off this semester so that should aid in my search of free time and direction. After my impending graduation in April I plan to find a meaningless, and when I say meaningless I mean one that will be enjoyable, but not unwanted, job and work for a while there while I collect myself after being in school for the last 16 years. I also plan to read many many books of the fictional genre, seeing as this semester is shaping up to be full of required reading, not the fiction that I so like to indulge myself in. Oh the results of the Pentland Invitational. The Tournament was a success, but was almost cut short by so dude, who wouldent let us finish a game cause he demanded his court. He was short with us, and Simon, ranked #2, nearly squashed the dudes head, but in the end we found a court with no one on. So in the end Jordan, roomate, won. Simon, friend, was second. I, T.I.Houghton, was third, and Josh, brother, was 4th. It was a glorious day of sweating and grunting. I have really come to love the game of squash and the outcomes of the workout. Anyhow, I need some shut eye so I can debate Canadian Cultural History tomorrow. Until Next Time...


At 9:14 AM, Blogger Shaolin said...

Hey Tim, props to the title of your blog, because it's a great song, by a great band. Also props to you being a pentecostal and going to "Tequila Monday" haha, maybe if they actually served Tequila i would consider going, and considering it's pentecostal, i wouldn't be surprised if they did try that!


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