Sunday, November 13, 2005

Some Obervations

I got my voice back, but it feels kinda shakey, so I think I will take another day off work so that I dont lose it again. Some preventitive rest in view of my precious voice. Over the last few days I was reminded of how useful the voice actually is. It was hard to communicate what I was feeling, or what I wanted to do, or how something affected me. It was hard to even watch a film without a voice. I found it hard to laugh, and to make comments regarding what I was seeing, and as such the film just wasent as fun. Now that my voice is back I am grateful for the use of my vocal cords. This afternoon I went to the Saddledome and watched the Calgary Hitmen play hockey against the Prince Albert Pirates. Now I usually dont like Hockey that much, unless there are men names Chris, Jon, or Josh playing on a team named United, but today I watched Hockey with different people. I watched it from the beautiful and luxurious box owned by the Company I work for. It was a glorious day of feasting upon finger foods and nacho's and drinking beverages that were free. It was pretty nice. While at the hockey game I noticed how children watch hockey. The box I was in was right beside 2 sets of kids, one on either side, who were watching hockey. They were both quite distracted at times by things going on around them, like when the mascot of the Hitmen came around, they all jumped out of their seats and rushed to see him, and when their parents came with new hats for all of them or the Hagen Daz for all of them, I admit I really wanted a Hagen Daz, even though I was getting treated like a king. Anyways the kids were really distracted at points, but when they were watching the game they reacted to every play. Guys would get hit against the boards, and the kids would react in unison with a giant "OOOOOOO". It was fun to hear them react to all sorts of things. And when the Hitmen scored, and they did 5 times, the kids would jump up and yell and high five. It was pretty cool. I usually dont enjoy the presense of kids at events where adults are in a majority, but at a game like the Hitmen when Kids love watching teens and young adults hit, fight, and score it seemed so very right for them to be themselves, and I really did appricate the fact that they were themselves, and that I could see them in true form. Anyways thats about it for right now, happy November.


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