Dear friends and other readers of these words, I am now 22. I feel a little older, and though I don't feel it sometimes I guess I am getting a little more mature. However this blog today is all about tradition. Once a long time ago on the exact same day and month, but a different year, a young buck by the name of Tim decided to share feelings and observations with the world. This decision led him to create a website which served him well and then to migrate to this platform in order to speed up the process of writing. This older version is still avalible online for your viewing pleasure. Some Thoughts About Life in General. On a different note, today was a great day. Woke up, had some breakfast, enjoyed church with some dear friends, had a great lunch out at Eastside Mario's and then enjoyed view a newly purchased film called "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". Its been a long day with lots of walking, but a good day since dear friends were apart of it. Its amazing how days that would be normal turn out to be glorious when friends are involved. And now my eyes are tired and I have to work early in the morn, so I will bid you adieu and how that the morrow with bring you greatness.
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