Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I just returned from a walk that featured the Mighty Bow. This walk also gave me reason to comment on why walking is such a favorite passtime. I find that there are a few types of walking, and without being technical I have decided to label one type as Productive, and the other as Non-productive. The first, productive, is the type of walking that people do when they walk to work, or get grocerys, or go for coffee. I engage in this type of walking daily. From the moment I awake I am going somewhere, which means that the productive walking is the highest concentration of walking I do. Every person on this earth engages in Productive walking. I enjoy productive walking, it gets my heart rate up, its gets me sweating, and it gets me places. It may not be too enjoyable, but it is great excercise. The second kind of walking is non-productive. Now this may be a little misleading since things can get acomplished on such a walk, however these types of walks usually end up the same place they started from. The walk I took this eve started in my apartment, and then 45 minutes later I was back at my apartment. So in a sense there was nothing gained nor nothing distroyed. Well perhaps I did gain something. I find that I gain perspective when I engage in walking, both kinds of walking. There is something about the fact that when walking your not too worryed about where to put one step or the next, rather you are concentrating on your surroundings. I noticed a bird nest today for the first time, after walking almost every morning past the same tree. I also enjoyed the sound of a rushing river as I walked by the Bow. These things would have not been possible if I was listening to music or reading a book. Don't get me wrong, I love both books and music, but I think that sometimes we need to put down the headphones and sci-fi novels and marvel at what is happening around us. Walking is great for getting your head straight after a fight, for spending some quiet time with yourself (or a friend), and also are great for the heart. So today I offer Walking as one of my favorite things.


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