Greetings. Since its been so long I will update you on my life before telling about what I like, driving. The last few weeks have been quite the ride, I have been tired, stressed, sad, happy, lonely, contemplative, and tired. I finally, after many moons of trying to fine a house, finally moved into a new place up in the NW of Calgary. A far cry from my former stomping grounds of Downtown Cowtown. The move has already rested my soul and I look forward to what the next few months or years will bring to my tired intellect and soul. I have also bought a car, and though it may be rash decision, I feel as though it fit in with moving from downtown. I need a car to get places, and I also need to drive myself to weddings that I will be taking photographs at. So none the less I am the proud owner of a 1989 Honda Civic 4 door 5 speed. Its a great little car and I plan to enjoy it deeply. Not much else has changed, I still work at the same jobs, doing to same things getting a little frustrated with the conditions I work under, but still need to make ends meet so I continue to work there. On with the blog. I drove to and from work today, and this makes me excited because I feels like I am finally growing up a little more. Granted getting a degree and living on my own is pretty grown up, but a car, thats even more adult like. I am also learning to drive standard, which for the first few days was trying on my patience, and I am sure on others as well. However, a week into driving I am finally getting the hang of it. Chris Throness taught me the other day how to down shift, and now my brakes are getting a break from the punishment I usually put them through. But why do I like driving so much? I like it because its freeing. Granted I really dont like driving during the day when there are lots of people on the road, but during the night, I could drive for hours. Its so calming to be on the road enjoying the creaking of your cars struts and springs and listening also to The Postal Service while navigating the streets of suburbia hell on the way home. Something just feels right. I also enjoy the freedom that a car brings in the way that I was able to go directly from a baseball game today, where I entered the worst batting slump of my life, and go directy to work. What freedom. Ah you say, but freedom comes at a price. I say, it sure does. You would think that living in one of the wealthiest citys in the country, a wealth that is enjoyed due to the consumption of fossil fuels extracted in the backyard of Calgary, you would think that gas would be cheap, it sure is not. So yes I may have the freedom of the car, but I also have the prison of the gas pump. But there is a silver lining. My parents purchased for me a membership to the CAA, which is a beauty since I am paranoid of breaking down, and with such membership I can fuel up at Husky and attain points, or something of that nature. Pretty cool eh? So freedom = prison = points. Anyways thats about it. Until next time.
Hey Tim! Sounds like things are going really well for you! Congrats on the new car too! I'm sure you will enjoy standard, I know I will never go back to automatic...
Have a good one!
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