Monday, September 13, 2004

Sweet mercy its been a long time. Life in Cowtown has been both beautiful and ugly. First with the ugly. I had been living in the "Alliance Living Center" which is what they call the dorm during the summer. And things were ok, but not great. It still felt like I was under the control of the school and I hated the feeling. So I moved out of that place into my current residence, which is genius and beautiful. Now I live in a comfortable space shared with 3 other guys, which does not make me gay, it simply means that I am poor and cannot afford to live alone. One of these men is my brother which is fantasik to have around since he is a fantastik man who will some day make more money then me. I also work at a place that sells beautiful things, albeit expensive beautiful things made by small hands in Indonesia, but none the less beautiful. It is quite a nice job since I get to interact with people unlike most of my friends here in the simple fact that they are not of the Christian faith. It has been 3 years since such contact has been made and I'm grateful for it. I also get to hang out with many people who also live in this building only a few short floors below. Did I mention that I live on the 21 floor with a dishwasher and blue and salmon colored walls. Its quite nice and I enjoy it deeply. Infact two days ago I bought a lamp which reminds me of the one from Narnia. It is most genius and I plan to use it to read by since it is so nice and the light that streams from it is blinding. Anyways I hunger for food so I must go and fill this hunger. Feel free to contact me at any time via e-mail at Until next time.