Saturday, November 27, 2004

Happy Birthday

Ah Hello There. It has come to may attention that today is my 21st birthday. Wowee. Now I can...well not a whole lot I couldent do in Canada, I guess that being able to drink in the United States is cool. But not really since I dont live there and or travel there on a regular basis. Anyways this is the annual birthday tribute. As you can see from this site right here, I started this many years ago in an attempt to convey my message of good tidings all over the interweb, I also just wanted a place where people could see the happenings of my life. Anyways, it is currently 12:13 or so in the morning and I have a full day of work at Chintz ahead of me. Oh Joy. And then Chinese food with my brother and then some bowling. I havent been bowling in so long, I hope I get a strike. I am still working like the dickens on my philosophy paper and have at times wished that I could not do it and save myself the hassle of trying to hard. Alas that will not work so well due to the fact that I am in school to learn and this is all a learning experience. Anyhow I am out of words, I used all of them in my paper, so now I must head to bed in an effort to re-aligen my neurons and synapses and things of that matter. Perhaps I will dream.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Up The Stairs to Bed

In true bad day fashion my day ended yesterday at 2:00am with a fasinating discussion with my brother about creation. I then started a bad day at 4:10am when the fire alarm in my building started going off. At first Josh and I were skeptical since I had already been through 2 false alarms here. He went back to sleep and I lay there pondering the right thing to do. I thought that it would probley be best to go out and see what the commotion was. I lay there for a few more minutes and then heard the sirens. So I got my tired self out of bed and headed out to the living room. All of a sudden Josh and I were aware of the smell of electrical smoke. We mutually agreed that we were to get out of the building ASAP. We awoke our roommates and trucked out the door. 21 floors later we were standing outside with fellow apartment renters and friends from lower floors. We stood around till about 6 and then began the long brutal journey back up the 21 floors due to the line up at the elevators being long like and anaconda. So after 21 flights of burning calve muscles I made it home and hit the sack. I was asleep almost immeditely. Then I went to class some 3 hours later and then had a nap. So basically this day is a write off, and now I need to work on philosophy. Shoot so much to do, so little time.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

How To Dismantle A "+15"

Today was a day of glory. Well mostly, I am supposed to be writing a philosophy paper but its fairly obvious that I am not. Anyways the early parts of today were genius. I went to Business Ethics this morning, it is one of my favorite classes due to the fact that the other in the class generally intellectually battle while I sit with a smirk on my face until called upon. I usually offer some sort of responce which can be called intellegent, however sometimes I sound like a moron, not this morning. I was on the ball and able to offer a precise and accurate account of what I believed. You know that feeling when your on the ball and people are grunting, well mabye not grunting but affirming you non the less. Thats what it was like. Then from class I went out for coffee with 3 good friends, Tim Ross, Jon Morrison, Chris Thrones. It was good to sit down and chat. From there I headed to the +15's. Now in Calgary there are madly cold winters and in order that all the oil execs dont get cold they build these walk ways 15 feet above the ground, alas +15. Anyways I had always wanted to take it from near my house all the way east, so I did, and I walked from 8th Street SW to 1st Street SW all above the ground, not breathing fresh air and seeing all the sights that one can see. It is much like a small city in those halls. The reason for my trek all the way south was to aquire the newest release from famed band U2. I aquired such an album and headed back home. I attempted also to buy a flower for reasons that will become apparerent soon. I got home slipped "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb" by U2 into the stereo and basked in glory of the loud and pungent sounds emminating from the system. I then Proceeded to sit down and work on my paper which I am taking a break from right now. Halfway through working on this paper I was feeling a bit restless since I still had one item on my agenda left for this evening. I was to ask a girl to be my date for the annual Christmas Banquet. I was at odds as to how to do this since I am somewhat unconventional and will not settle for simply getting a rose and presenting it to her. Her favorite flower was one named "Daffodil". This was very hard to come by seeing as it is currently November and I was told by the lady who worked at "Growers Direct" that they were only avalible in Feburary. I was distraught, so I came up with a new plan. I was going to craft a flower out of ordinary paper and crayons. I researched the exact appearance of the flower and was astonished to find so many different varietys. I was a smidge ashamed since my father is an avid plant lover and I could not recall the look and or latin name of said Daffodil. So alas Google helped me out and I found the desired specs for the flower and started being crafty. It was quite a joy to use my hands to make something to be given away. I finished the flower, brushed my teeth and headed off to ask. I took the stairs down to the 6th floor, and since I live on the 21st floor it gave me some time. Needless to say I asked and she approved so I have a date for the banquet. With all of these factors, new CD, Date, Class, and paper, I have been having quite a day of joy. Now to get back to the pressing paper and its wordyness. Until Next time.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

The Business of Ethics, or The Bussiness Ethics

Taking a break from a project on the ethics of the selling, advertising, and consumption of alcohol to underage humans. It is most interesting though it seems as though it it not the advertising that is to blame but rather the store owners who sell to underage teens. Things up in the downtown are most excellent. Earlier today I witnessed hooligans in the building across from us throwing paper airplanes from their balcony. A dream that I hope someday to recognize. They were yelling and generally being unruley, which is good for a time, but then as I was trying to read they kept yelling, which made me want to get out there and throw things from my balconey as well. Aside from that I have been working hard at hardly working, but still at the same time acomplishing much. Its quite fun in general being a student and just learning and wishing to be a deeper person in general. Anywho there is a blue book in front of me which contains case studies which I must read and prepare a presentation for class from, and this blue book calls my name, well really not my name but I am sure if it could talk it may call for a glass of water since the pages are so dry.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Currently I am drinking Nog of the Egg variety, while reading a journalist's view on the Middle East. Needles to say its quite the night ahead of me. I worked at the Lovely Chintz this aft and was successful in pricing some expensive bathroom do-dads. I also learned that we have a Christmas party, which is genius since I have not been to a Christmas party ever in my entire life. I really hope that it is as good as it appears on TV and in movies. This day I also learned that I may have a ride in a car home for the break of Christmas. This endevor would be genius since my brother and I would otherwise have to take the bus, which I was not looking forward too due to the long ride and cramped style. I took a swig of the good ol egg nog and am blown away with how good it tastes. Thankfully it is only around once a year or else the taste would not be so special. Aside from feeling tired and generally sick from working today, I think Chintz does something to my system, I am feeling good, but not too motivated, although that will need to change due to the fact that I have a midterm on wednesday and 80 pages of reading to do. So in that mood I leave. Peace in the Middle East.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Two things are happening right now, most importantly there is bread being made in the breadmaker which my mother gave to my brother and I on the event of my brother and I's new apartment. Secondly the votes are being cast and tabulated, for the new leader of the free world, as I write. Its quite a day of new things. I also recieved as a gift the album "Medulla" (by Bjork) from a friend who sits next to me in my Bio class. Really its been a great day. So now I am off to cyber space to find out who the leader of America will be.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Happy All Saints Day. Yesterday was the famed Reformation Day. And Sadly I worked. Alone. It was a day of heavy lifting and Heavy rock. Life in general has been quite positive as of late. My good friend Jon Kramer was here last night and we spent the eve drinking hot bevies and listening to new and exciting music. Since yesterday was so crazy busy at work I took this eve off to read and such. It was quite nice to chill and not really do anything. I am currently reading Douglas Coupland's novel "Girlfriend in a Coma". So far it has proven to be an excellent use of my time and enlightning and somewhat challenging. This eve I made myself spagettii due to the fact that Josh ate my pizza. In a few moments I plan on going out to a film called "Garden State". I have seen this movie before, but it simply is one of the best films I have seen lately so I decided to support it some more and attend a showing of it at an artsy theater in Kensington. Kensington is where all the artsy and gay people hang out. Well maybe not all of them but a good number of them seem to be hanging out at all times in the coffee shops and in the other types of shops around. It makes for interesting conversation I suppose. Today I bought a biography of Martin Luther, the man who made Reformation day famous by tacking his 95 thesis on the door of the Whittenburg Church. Pretty neat huh? He did some other crazy stuff which I am sure the Alliance would not agree with, and yet he was the father of Protestantism. Also pretty neat.