Sunday, November 27, 2005


Dear friends and other readers of these words, I am now 22. I feel a little older, and though I don't feel it sometimes I guess I am getting a little more mature. However this blog today is all about tradition. Once a long time ago on the exact same day and month, but a different year, a young buck by the name of Tim decided to share feelings and observations with the world. This decision led him to create a website which served him well and then to migrate to this platform in order to speed up the process of writing. This older version is still avalible online for your viewing pleasure. Some Thoughts About Life in General. On a different note, today was a great day. Woke up, had some breakfast, enjoyed church with some dear friends, had a great lunch out at Eastside Mario's and then enjoyed view a newly purchased film called "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". Its been a long day with lots of walking, but a good day since dear friends were apart of it. Its amazing how days that would be normal turn out to be glorious when friends are involved. And now my eyes are tired and I have to work early in the morn, so I will bid you adieu and how that the morrow with bring you greatness.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

No TV Please

I noticed something only a few minutes ago. I went to visit some friends who live in the same building as me. I had just wanted to ask a question and to see what they were up to. I walked in and they were all sitting around watching the moving picture box. I stood at one end of the room and asked the question, I was looking for a ride to the soccer game tomorrow, and they dident have a difinitive answer, but they all kept right on looking at the moving picture box. As I left I felt that I would have spent more time there had the moving picture box been off, or if it had not been the center of attention. Now I realize that I wade into this debate that has raged for decades and I come with a history of not having the moving picture box, so I think that I might be a little biased, but I stand by the fact that I also enjoy watching moving picture box shows on my computer. I do not however enjoy watching the moving picture box while too many people are in the room. I love talking to friends. Infact earlier this eve I chatted with some friends for a few hours and in the course of that chatting I learned how to use a straight razor. Hows that for informative conversation. And yes we did learn this by huddling around a computer screen, but we conversed and we then decided to learn this age old art of straight razoring. Back to my original beef with the moving picture box. Walking into a room full of good friends to have them half stare back at you and half watch the moving picture box was a little surreal, but I guess thats where we live. I myself refuse to own a moving picture box, but have toyed with the idea of getting a projector in the hopes that films and other such informative media will be shown on it. On a side note, I have rediscovered my love of documentry films. Back to the original thought, I think I would have to credit my parents with my unusual distaste for the moving picture box. We never had one in our house, except for some Christmas breaks, and some birthdays, but we would only rent it for a short period of time. So what would I do instead of watching such shows as Home Improvement and Inspector Gadget, which I watched at others houses? I would often catch myself in my own little world enjoying the beauty of a vibrant and wild imagination. I will now credit a great deal of my imagination to Adventures in Odyssey the famed young adults show from Focus on the Family. I would wander the streets and ride my bike all the time in search of new and exciting adventures. Without the moving picture box I found ways of filling my life, and one of them was reading. Its a good thing I was/am a slow reader because it can fill so much of my life without me having nothing to read. In conclusion I feel that I will never own a moving picture box, but may own a projector with with I will watch shows and films of consequence. Now for a second observation. This I noticed the other day. I was walking home from my job at a major telecom company and was walking near a LRT station (LRT = Light Rail Transit) when I noticed that the new concrete they had just put in was actually painted white. When I say white I really mean to say that it was white, it is now a gross kinda browngreyesque color that really is nothing close to the original white. I can see how they must have thought that the white would be great, but in reality, it was the worst choice they could have made. Normal concrete does look horrible after a while, but it is a greyesque color to begin with so really it does't matter that much. I feel as though those making decisions for the building should think ahead and not about how it will look when done, but what it will look like in the future. And those is my concerns on this eve of glorious weather in Cowtown. Did you know that weather records were broken a few days ago with the amazing warm front that is perched upon Calgary, I do enjoy the beauty of clear skys, but I welcome the onset of winter and the cozy warmth that can be found admist the cold that will be here in a few days I am sure. Good night, good warmth, and good tidings.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Some Obervations

I got my voice back, but it feels kinda shakey, so I think I will take another day off work so that I dont lose it again. Some preventitive rest in view of my precious voice. Over the last few days I was reminded of how useful the voice actually is. It was hard to communicate what I was feeling, or what I wanted to do, or how something affected me. It was hard to even watch a film without a voice. I found it hard to laugh, and to make comments regarding what I was seeing, and as such the film just wasent as fun. Now that my voice is back I am grateful for the use of my vocal cords. This afternoon I went to the Saddledome and watched the Calgary Hitmen play hockey against the Prince Albert Pirates. Now I usually dont like Hockey that much, unless there are men names Chris, Jon, or Josh playing on a team named United, but today I watched Hockey with different people. I watched it from the beautiful and luxurious box owned by the Company I work for. It was a glorious day of feasting upon finger foods and nacho's and drinking beverages that were free. It was pretty nice. While at the hockey game I noticed how children watch hockey. The box I was in was right beside 2 sets of kids, one on either side, who were watching hockey. They were both quite distracted at times by things going on around them, like when the mascot of the Hitmen came around, they all jumped out of their seats and rushed to see him, and when their parents came with new hats for all of them or the Hagen Daz for all of them, I admit I really wanted a Hagen Daz, even though I was getting treated like a king. Anyways the kids were really distracted at points, but when they were watching the game they reacted to every play. Guys would get hit against the boards, and the kids would react in unison with a giant "OOOOOOO". It was fun to hear them react to all sorts of things. And when the Hitmen scored, and they did 5 times, the kids would jump up and yell and high five. It was pretty cool. I usually dont enjoy the presense of kids at events where adults are in a majority, but at a game like the Hitmen when Kids love watching teens and young adults hit, fight, and score it seemed so very right for them to be themselves, and I really did appricate the fact that they were themselves, and that I could see them in true form. Anyways thats about it for right now, happy November.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Taking an unscheduled break from life

Yesterday was a random day, let me tell you about it. I got up and had a mildly sore throat, which is no big deal since I just have some tea and get on with my day. So I went to work which is basically me talking on the phone all day. About noon I felt as though my voice was getting strained. I had been drinking water all day and eating Fisherman's Friends. Now I am neither a fisherman, nor a friend of a fisherman (i dont think I know any fishermen), anyways they were assisting me in keeping my voice up to par. After lunch my voice kept getting worse and worse so eventually I had to call up those in charge and let them know that I could not continue working. I then walked home and checked out a gallery on 10th Ave. I came home had some tea, had some vit C, had some other vitamins, had some water and wondered what to do with myself. Then the eve came and I went, with some friends, to Blue Like Jazz Live. You may have read this book by the famous and now much talked about author Donald Miller. Anyways, it was a good show, quite a bit more disoriented then the book, but still a good watch. Then I came home, attempted to sleep and was disturbed by the drama that was happening outside my window. When I say outside my window I mean on the street some 21 stories below me at the train station. There were teens on masse and I thought about throwing things at them to get them to be quiet, (When I say I it was really Josh mine brother who suggested throwing things). Anyways they were noisey and then the police helly-copter was shineing its light in my window, its amazing how bright one gazillion candle power is. So then I slept a bit, went to the washroom a few times and got up early, 4:30am, to see if my voice was back and thus head to work. My voice did not work, and I called in sick, and when I say called I really mean I wispered in sick. Then went back to bed, got up had a shower listened to the Beatles, had some tea made from lemon juice and honey, and am now about to head out to watch a film across the street at a friends. Basically I am now taking some time off of life, which could be bad for the bank book, but I think that I needed some time to let my voice rest and my body enjoy being well rested. Thats about it. I enjoy the random days, but sometimes I wish that things were all lined up in a row, like that happens all the time. Anyways enjoy the weather, its amazing today.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Why a Walrus?

I sit here in the comfort of my home, high above the city of Calgary, and in the next room I can hear the Beatles singing about an animal that is not too nice to look at. Yes they are large and in charge, but so are other animals. So I ask myself why did the Fab Four choose to sing about a Walrus? Was it their animal of choice due to the fact they had just seen pictures of a coastline somewhere, and a large and slighty incharge beast was sunning itself on a rock? I wonder how the song would have been different had they seen pictures of a cuddly and cute Koala. "I am the eggman, they are the eggmen, I am the Koala, Goo goo g' joob". Anyways enough thinking about the Beatles for a moment. Today was a great day. It snowed last night so this morning was just a beauty. I had a shower and was puting on my sunday best (read: jeans + plaid + scarf = Sunday Best), and what do I hear from the living room? The one and only Pat Boone! Ian, (read: Roommate) had decided that it was time for Christmas music, I protested then realized that it was infact a great day for the music of Christmas. I then agreed and enjoyed Pat Boone for the first time this season. Then to church for a glorious sermon, and then to the Buhlers for Brunch, which really turned into Bruinner and then into this glorious feast of waffles and sausage and bacon. Then some chess and Iron Chef and then home. So as far as seventh day rests go, today was one of the best in a few months. And now I am ready for bed, but will not head to bed as I still want to read or listen to music or watch a film. Basically to feed my desire to knowledge and to escape into someone elses reality for a moment. Anyways until next time and in the words of Red Green, "Keep your stick on the ice".