Sunday, January 30, 2005

A Tribute to the Sun

Calgary during the winter is usually a dark and depressing place. Streets filled with snow, patches of ice everywhere, angry business men who just lost a game of squash, general displeasure. However the particular day, Jan. 30th 2005, it appears to be sunny and beautiful outside. Infact I just checked the Enviroment Canada Website, the only website I trust for Weater info, and it informed me that it is currently +6 degrees celsius outside. Hows that for a dreary winter. I think the sun has an effect on the attitude of everyone around as well. People seem more cheery and more level headed with the sun is shining and when the sky is blue. I personally find that the sun makes me sneeze at first and then I enjoy the vitamin D giving rays so much that it causes me to grow sleepy in the warm yellow light. Another aspect of the sun is that it gives my plants the nessary energy to process the C02 and thus sustain life for themselves also. The sun is such a win win situation. The sun also gives me hope that after this winter and all this coldness has passed there will be time for warmth and greenery. I went for a walk yesterday by the river and attempted to take photos. Being Nightime it was a little difficult to do such an artistic expression, thus I wanted the sun to come out so I could get a couple good shots. I am reminded of a scene in the film "The Truman Show" where Chistoph orders the "sun" to be qued, and then all of the sudden light is cast upon the entire "world". The sun is so glorious. In fact it is the sun, which at times is turbulent, who am I kidding, the sun is a giant nuclear reaction and thus is always turbulent. Let me re-phrase that. When the sun is "More" turbulent, and solar flares are produced there are beautiful reprocussions on earth aka, "aurora borealis" or Northern Lights. A few weekends ago I was on my way to Vermillion, home of Mike Schalin and the "Vermillion Folk Club", when I saw the shimmering streaks of "aurora borealis" dominating the north sky. I spent a good amount of time just staring at them. I had seen the lights before, in Regina of all places, but never like this. They were dancing and moving and shimmering and green. I had taken pictures of them before, but this was a whole new experience. I was later told that this representation was far from what they "can" be. Never the less I was still amazed and captivated by what the suns effect on the night sky can be. Ah the sun, apparently the sun can also power cars, I will have to wait till Josh builds one so I can be even more amazed by the power of a giant ball of nuclear fision. So with the glorious sun staring me straight in the face I sign off and remind you to enjoy the sun while you can.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

The Mighty Bow

I spent today playing bass in a practice room enjoying the company of my fellow musicians while rocking something fierce. I then proceeded to SAIT where good friend Andrew Shareski and I battled for a solid hour as to who was the Squash master. I am proud to inform you that I was the winner. It was a solid hour of running my heart out, and it came down to the wire. Today in Calgary it was also just beautiful out, I believe that I will go later and enjoy this weather by walking along the mighty Bow River. The ice is starting to melt and is progressing down the river and pushing itself unto the banks of the river. It is quite an amazing sight to behold. Ah just writing about walking drives me out of this small and over heated apartment into the banks of the Mighty River.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Six In The Oven

I am currently awaiting the baking process to be complete as I have just put six muffins in the oven to be baked. I feel pretty good about the quality of such items seeing as they are apple cinnamon, and smelling quite excellent. This day was alright, had some reading to do, some class to go to and in a while will be watching a film on a big screen at a friends apartment. Though I must admit I am still sick which has been no good for my getting of work done. I feel noe drive to do anything, and have spent a great deal of time sitting watching media from my computer, and by media I mean movies. This aft I finished a film called "Shawn of the Dead", it is a masterpiece of modern film. The satrical drive which the writer/director/actor wanted portrayed was done well and I even laughed outloud at times. It was a tad scary, but in the end the humor won me over and I enjoyed it greatly. Tomorrow is what I like to call "Spiritual Em-phasis" days, where the community gets together and has a good round of Christian morals thrown at them in the hopes that we will retain some of the knowledge and apply it to our lives. The theme of this year is something about doing spirituality in "Real Life". Sounds promiseing and I am hopeing that it goes as well as it has been promoted. Its also time off of classes, which is generally a good time since readings dont commence for another week so I will have some time to rest my eyes in hopes of getting healthier and more energetic. In the time off I plan to read a bit of C.S. Lewis's work "Mere Christianity". I have heard so many good things about it, but never have sat down and actually read it. The first chapter or two have been very philosophical and I enjoy that, I think that I am becoming more philosophical, I have to be in order to get deeper into all the history that I am reading. Its challenging and at times I don't want to read at all, but I still find learning fasinating. The weather today was excellent. A little crisp but still sunny and beautiful, and ready for walking. The stove beeped, my muffins are done, and I am all written out. Keep your racquet up and your squash ball warm.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Fondue and Hockey

Imagine yourself back in the 1970's when the popular means of gathering were over a pot of steaming cheese, oil or chocolate. This eve I went back in time, like Marty McFly, and ate a fondue of the Chocolate variety. It was quit keen and since much fruit was eaten I beat scurvey for another week. Did I mention that I am also sick? Also tomorrow I will attend another Fondue party at a different house with all three types of Fondue. I feel like listening to the "BeeGees" and getting groovy in the spirit of the 70's. Aside from all the funk and disco I also attended a Hockey Match this eve. This match was between bitter rivals "United" and "Rocky". These games usually end in battle to the death between the sides, but for a few moments in the first period I imagined a nice clean game which would remain tied so that no feelings would be hurt. This was not to be. Late in the third period with "Rocky" up by 6 points and "United" falling slowly behind in both points and drive, a "Rocky" player proceeded to "cross-check" a "United" player who was rising from his knees. This act incited other acts of violence to the point were fists were flying and players were hitting the ice. It was most violent and disturbing since I have friends on the "United" team and was hoping that they were not getting hurt. "United" put up a good fight, but in the end there was not enough time to make up the deficit. Many players fought as hard as they could under the circumstances, but were rewarded with a large "L" in the score book. It makes me quite angry when players feel the need to resort to cheap and foolish plays in order to assert dominance over another team. Had the game ended cleaner I would have left the arena in a much better mood and feeling more love for "Rocky", but when players make unnessary plays and/or violence I cannot stand idly by. At one point I even quoted M.Schalin in saying "I humbly disagee with your call", this comment directed directly at the Referee, who seemed to be favoring "Rocky" in some of his calls. Did I mention that I am sick? And with such sickness I must retire to the comfort of my bed, with lots of sheets, and lots of layers, and lots of springyness, and lots of general comfort. I bid you farewell and glorious Late Night readings.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Snow Graveyard

I went for a long and comtemplative walk along the mighty Bow this eve. I walked, talked to myself, wondered about my future, attempted to find reasons for things in my life, watched fog roll in over downtown from afar, and sat across the river from a Snow Graveyard. I walked down one side of the river and then crossed to the other. I had heard this loud and rather unfortunate noise from yonder and as I walked I got closer and realized that the noise was from the tailgates of dumptrucks emptying their cargo of snow into a large unused area. This was fasinating to watch as the trucks kept on comming and dumping their snow. Later I walked by a grater who was making a pile of snow by the edge of the road so that a large snowblower type apparatius could load it into trucks to be driven to the graveyard. Anyways, the walk was quite an excellent experience and I would recomend it to anyone. I am currently in the middle of a bowl of tomato soup and I should get back to it before it gets cold. Enjoy your day.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Lost in Vermillion

"Vermillion, the coolest place you will ever be that starts with the letter 'V'" - Mike Schalin, as quoted during a rather long driving stint around the hallowed streets of V-Town. I have spent the last 2 days in Vermillion, getting to know its people and its distinctly cold atmosphere. I travelled to said town with the hopes of seeing one M.Schalin, and I did see him. It was a glorious few days away from the crazyness of life here in what I have dubbed "Word Central" as I attempt to read and understand what seems like librarys full of knowledge for my classes. The trip was also nessesary for me to gain some perspective due to some unfortunate events which came out of a phone call on Friday.

On Friday (before my departure for Vermillion), after Simon soundly squashed me 13-0, I came home and had a shower and was going to phone work to find out if I could get a day off for the upcomming "Spiritual Emphasis Days". I was in my kitchen, walking around not really doing anything besides brooding my loss at squash earlier in the day, when the phone rang and my roommate answered and handed it to me. It was a friend, and co-worker Cam. He informed me that our mutal place of work had put us both "On Call". I thought to myself "what", and then answered out loud with a long and sarcastic "cool". Cam then told me that we had been taken off the schedule all together and that our status remaind "On Call" for the rest of the schedule. I was kinda dumbfounded, kinda relieved, kinda shocked, and kinda mad. I did not understand why or how the powers that be had essentially laid Cam and I off. It was rather unsettling to think about. I spent a good amount of time thinking about such injustices and came to the conclusion that if they want me gone then I will not work there anymore. I will simply have to budget my money with greater care and will have to limit myself only to nessesities. I feel, after a weekend of thinking, that this will be good for me and that out of it all I might be able to learn something that could not have been taught had I remained employed. Thought I will miss the people there I will not miss the corporation and all that goes on there, which I do not care to discuss since it is most angering. I will say that I enjoyed my time and now that my time is up I will leave gracefully, after going in tomorrow to find out the real story and to sign my timesheet in an effor to get paid, and to spend my Christmas Gift Certificate. Well enough jibber jabber for one night, I will return at a later date.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Textbooks at a Christian Bookstore?

This day was so cold. I mean cold as in my face is now frozen and may be considered to be a shade of red. Along with this cold weather I have a cold heart towards a bookstore which will remain nameless. I recieved a call for a text book that I ordered. Well not really a text book, more like a collections of readings, but thats beside the point. I went to pick up this collection of readings and to pick up another text book that I had previously decided not to get, but in light of assignments from class today I need to get it to pass. I walked in skirting all the Christianeze self help that is currently pop-christian, and went to the back to find text books. I did not find my needed book and went to the back to ask about it. I picked up the readings and then inquired about "Succeeding with Technology", the book for my Intro To Computers Class. My brother, Josh, did some research and found that this text book is used in grade 9 computer classes. So I asked to see if they had any in stock thinking that there would be a few left behind due to the nature of retail and the non stocking of shelves. The woman at the back informed me that I would not be able to recieve my textbook for at least 2 weeks. I informed her that this was "cool" in a most saterical voice. I then pre-purchased this text book and left the store feeling annoyed and kinda mad. This is quite annoying seeing as the unnamed bookstore is the sole delivery service of textbooks for AUC, and due to this the textbooks can be found there or on the internet, with the same amount of waiting time. What I can't understand is why there are none left, do people not count how many people are in classes and then order the right amount of books. Or is it because the professor for my Geology class, which I was supposed to take instead of Intro to Computers, left the country to teach at a different place, and I was not informed of this problem until I was walking through the registration line. I am not trying to asses blame on anyone, but I think that situations like mine are far to common around here and I need to take a break and get away from school for a while, hence not going back to college for a while after I graduate, if I make it that far (I am so tired and am all read out, and its just the beginning of the semester). At least I have Squash to look forward to tomorrow, and then off to Vermillion for a few days to see good friend Mike. Anyways since all my anger is now gone I will go and rest my eyes, and hope that my eyes dont freeze do to the cold.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Boredom In The Extreme

It has come to my attention that a man is currently sitting waiting for the opening of Star Wars: Episode III. To see for yourself visit : HERE. This I guess is what life comes too when there is nothing else to do but waste it sitting in front of a theatre. Anyways I shall now fill my mind with more knowledge of Greek Historiography. Good Day.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Fall To Pieces

This eve I attended what is known as "Tehillah Monday" at the "First Assembly" church. It was quite an event. Worship was good speaker was good, generally a good time. I also spent 4 hours of today working, which in my opinion is alright since I get paid. I noticed today that I don't spend nearly enough time contemplating life. I rush about and attempt to put things into perspective, but I think the most effective source of balance is time, and lots of it. I took weekends off this semester so that should aid in my search of free time and direction. After my impending graduation in April I plan to find a meaningless, and when I say meaningless I mean one that will be enjoyable, but not unwanted, job and work for a while there while I collect myself after being in school for the last 16 years. I also plan to read many many books of the fictional genre, seeing as this semester is shaping up to be full of required reading, not the fiction that I so like to indulge myself in. Oh the results of the Pentland Invitational. The Tournament was a success, but was almost cut short by so dude, who wouldent let us finish a game cause he demanded his court. He was short with us, and Simon, ranked #2, nearly squashed the dudes head, but in the end we found a court with no one on. So in the end Jordan, roomate, won. Simon, friend, was second. I, T.I.Houghton, was third, and Josh, brother, was 4th. It was a glorious day of sweating and grunting. I have really come to love the game of squash and the outcomes of the workout. Anyhow, I need some shut eye so I can debate Canadian Cultural History tomorrow. Until Next Time...

Sunday, January 09, 2005

The "Pentland Invitational"

Today marks the day of the first Squash tournament, the "Pentland Invitational". I have been playing squash for a few days, and it is quickly becomming one of my favorite sports to enjoy. So today for the first time ever, 4 males will head up the the SAIT campus to compete in the tournament. Seeing as it is minus 50 billion outside It will be nice to be inside hitting a small rubber ball against a wall for an hour. The effects of the game are quite theraputic, and I have been sleeping better and my energy level is increasing. Both of these side effects are quite enjoyable, and I plan to continue squashing for the remainder of the semester. I must go and strech to ensure that I am in peak physical condition for this impending tournament. Results will follow.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Beware The Flying Snow

Today marks a momentious occasion in the life of the "Liner Notes". I have, as you may have noticed, redone the entire site. I would love to take credit for this change, but some dude made the file which I am currently borrowing to make this an interesting place to read. I have also added a comments function so you can all let me know whats up. I have however remained true to form and left this place of genius stale for a month. Please forgive me, props to David Gray. My Christmas was excellent. Spent much time at home hanging out with the family and enjoying the beauty of free food and the glory of the Christmas season. It was pretty sweet. I came back to Calgary for New Years and enjoyed times with friends and also enjoyed cold weather. Well enjoy is a pretty strong word. Hate is a more appropriate word. Well I dont hate winter. I really hate the slush which makes my jeans all soggy and nasty and makes me want to move to Florida. But I wont cause old people are crazy when they drive their winnebegos. I will however continue to live in this city for a while longer. Classes started today for me. I enjoyed them, but am not looking forward to the massive amounts of reading I will have to do. Today during class I glanced out the window and noticed that the snow was falling sideways. I guess it wasent falling as much as flying. So that was interesting. And I have a computer class which is gonna be easy as making Kraft Dinner. And since I am a student I am the kind of KD. But I should get cracking on some H to the ome Work. Peace.