Monday, September 29, 2003

I should be reading, but there alot of things I should be doing, and this just happens to be what I want to be doing. So yesterday I went to this little chruch known as First Assembely. It was an interesting experience. I am an Alliance boy with a history in the baptist church, but this was definetly a pentecostal experience, much like the Jimi Hendrix Experience. There was some good worship and interesting speakers and so on and so forth. I was fairly skeptical of the whole thing, seeing as it was new and I have been taught to take things not at face value, but look deeper into what the meaning and such is. Anyways, after the service I took the bus home, having taken the bus there it made sense to also take it home. It was an interesting bus ride since I had gone to church with a messianic Jew, Jeremiah Z, and a semi pentecostal, Matt R. They spent the entire ride home debating the theological issues of church the mornings service. I having little or no theological training only joined in when they were talking about history or the early chruch, since I am in a class about the Christianity in the Second Century. After they departed I had some lunch and then went to a musical evening known as Beggars Feast. It was a great time and then we went to Red Robin's for some eats. It was a good day all round, except for the sickness that I am feeling. But alas I must now read some history. Have a good night and send money or food to the following address:

Timothy Houghton
630-833 4th Ave SW
Box# 266
Calgary, AB,
T2P 3T5

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Its super late, but the night has been fun so I must share. It was a friend of mine's birthday today, his name is Matt Kinniburgh. So I was invited to his home since he lives in calgary. There was around 20 of us there and we got free food, this consisting of hamburgers and potatoes and birthday cake. It was a quality meal, and it was free so it was all good. We then proceeded to rent some flicks and then we went and chilled at Chars and Jamies and Sams and Jess's house. It was a quality time and then I came home and now I am super tired and tomorrow I am going to a Penecostal Church, it should be an adventure. Anyways good night.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

The paper spoke of last time was finished this morning, and by this morning I mean 2:00am. It was a unforntunate siuation since I am now really tired and wishing I could nap before class, well I could, I have the time but that would be blatent wasting of time, but it would feel so good. Anyways the weather here is wild, I mean one moment its so cold out that you need oodles of layers to stay warm and then within a couple of mins, the atmosphere changes and the sun is out and the air is full of warmness almost warrenting wearing shorts, but not quite. Nothing exciting has happened in the last while, I was reading my Liner Notes from the past with friend and fellow student Mike Schalin, you may remember him from past episodes. We were reminising about how there used to be good stories and such, and now its just daily life. Well hopefully I can find some stories which will challenge the heart and delight the mind. And with that i must go.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Seeing as I have a paper to write, but dont know how to write it, I will juice up my imagination by sharing here first. Today was a normal day, get up, have some eggs for breakfast, make a cup of tea, head off to class, visit the registrar, walk home, have a nap, make dinner, try to write a paper, get distracted, walk to kensington to get a Chai Tea Latte with soy, walk back to dorm, check my e-mail, write in Liner Notes. Its been mundane and boring, as boring as attempting to come up with a feasable argument for my Ethics Paper. "Does Socrates have an answer for the question that he poses to Euthyphro?" I dont think so, but there is not really any backing for that argument, so I guess I should read the text over and find some quotes to prove my idea is right. Well seeing as I am not motivated to write I leave with a quote.

"The unexamined life is not worth living"
- Aristotle

Monday, September 22, 2003

i slept outside last night, it was chilly, but at the same time it was wonderful to sleep under so many blankets and be totally warm. I dont know what it is about being under blankets that makes it so appealing. Sadly in the morning i awoke with a sore neck and many other sore body parts, mainly the back and neck region though. It was light out and I thought that It would be around 7 or 8 but it was 9:15. I was suprised at how long I been able to sleep with the light and all the noise and such. It was pretty cool. Today I went to Central Planning Team for our weekly meeting, which was good, heated at times but productive. Through the whole day I had been looking forward to dinner, which Troy and I had been planning since lunch. I got home and prepared some delectable Spagettei with alfredo sauce and chicken and fried veggies, it was great. I am now looking out my door onto the balcony and thinking how nice the night is. What a great night for a walk.

Friday, September 19, 2003

I ate steak for the first time since being here last night. Dan and Nicole Haugan opened their home to me and I was delighted to go and spend dinner with those fine folks. Dan had previously asked me what I would like for dinner, and I was thinking like some pasta or some mexican or something, and he says "just say the "S" word and well have it". I am thinking what "S" word, the only "S" word that I would be abrivated like that is innapropriate. Then it dawns on me, steak, I take a moment to decide if I want to go all out and actually ask, then since Dan is so adimate about the fact that I can have anything, and he is leaning toward the "S" word I agree and a smile creases over Dans face. He is glad that he can also have steak for the sake of feeding a poor college student. So last night when I get to the Haugans Dan realizes that he needs to go shopping, I tag along, and we get the fixings for a great meal. We get back to the abode and realize that there is no propane or BBQ sauce so we head out again only to get stuck in rush hour traffic in downtown Cowtown. We finally get the food and such and it gets made and we dig in. Since has been like 7 hours since I have eaten last I am fairly famished and devour the cow flesh, but not without thanking the creator of cow. Dinner is spendid and we are all pretty full. We then head out to the Rungee, formerly of Kamloops, to watch the begining of the TV series known as Survivor. The show proves to be entertaining and I chat with Peter and Wendy, formerly of Kamloops, and then we, Dan, Nicole, and I, head home. The next morning, being right now, I am sitting in my boxers checking my mail and getting ready to head out to pick up some pictures that I dropped off. So for now I bid you adu? adeau? addeu? Farwell.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Oh sweet viewers of this fine posting place It warms my heart to tell you that I have finally gotten the internet in my abode. It is a joy to be able to sit in front of my own computer and type while knowing that maybe someone will read this and it will inform them of the goings on of a college student. And now I must update my computer, ta ta for now.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

its snowing. Peace.

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

I was reading this thing for Ethics today and was stumped by what the great philosophizer Aristotle wrote about. It was quite the piece of work. And now I am waiting for Ethics to start so that I can get this day done with and go home and have some chicken fingers. Its a wonderful thing cooking for yourself. I often find myself thinking about what I want to eat for dinner during class in the morning. The freedom of being able to know that dinner will be good is so much better than waiting outside the cafeteria and hopeing that it will be good. Hurrah for good food. And speaking of good food its time to eat the lunch that I made for myself. Ta ta.

Monday, September 08, 2003

Sweet readers of this non-daily posting. I appoligize for the gap in writing, but since there has been a lack of constant internet in my life for quite some time, that time being 2 weeks, I now have a semi permenent source of the world wide web. In my apartment I have a phone, but I can never remember what the phone number is so I will find out soon and report back. We, meaning Troy (my roommate) and I will be getting the internet in our apartment on the 17th of September. This will aid me in my writing and posting on to here. My classes are going well and I have been enjoying living by myself, despite the fact that I havent done laundry in weeks. My kitchen is clean and I have been eating fairly well making use of all the free food that I can get my hands on. It rained this morning and the cool breeze was very nice to wake up too. The mornings are nice since I have no class before 1:30pm. Its great to be able to sleep in and do nothing for the first few hours of the day. I am just getting over a cold which left me feeling very congested for the first 3 days of class. Not such a good time to be sick. Speaking of sick, my Shakespeare class is a gong show. I wonder how classes like that can be considered a 300 level course when most of the work I did in High School. We are looking at 4 plays: Henry V, Romeo and Juilet, Twelth Night, and King Lear. It should be interesting but at the same time I was looking for something more than presentations by students and films. Its more of a film class than a literature class. Anyways its time for class. Peace.