The City That Never Stops Changing
I was woken this morning, like the previous few, by the sound of jackhammers pounding the parkade across the street. I can't see what they are doing, but it seems as though they are distroying a great deal of the concrete in the parking area. Sometimes I really dislike living downtown, its noisy, your never alone, its hard to see the stars, and concrete is depressing. Though sometimes I really like downtown, it is great to be able to walk to one job in 5 minutes, and then the other in 20. Its also nice to be able to walk to trendy areas such as Kensington and 17th Ave. But sometimes, like this morning I dislike the noise, and the busyness of the Calgary downtown core. On a more uplifting note, my good friend The Shoalin, also known as Mike Schalin, moves in today, ushering in a new era of the summer. As for my plans for the next few days/weeks I will continue to work at my 2 jobs, and will read and enjoy the beautiful weather that is now upon us.