Today was one of those days when it felt great to be alive. I woke this morning to find myself refreshed from the wedding I shot on friday and from a wonderful day of sitting and walking yesterday. I had decided last night that I wanted to go for a ride this morning, but I did not know it was going to be such a great ride. I left my house and traveled around the neighbourhood in search of some hills to climb and some hills to coast, I found both. The crisp morning air was nipping at my face but the rest of my body remained warm with the aproaching sweat. Not only was the ride this morning good, but the rides from the last few weeks have been amazing. It's great that I live near a cemetary so that I can ride without people judging me and my lack of athletic skill. I ride because its fun and for the good of my heart, which has delt with many years of abuse due to bible college and many many cases of KD. I also have been enjoying the benefits of riding during floor hockey on friday where I find I can run with great ease. I have ridden a bike since I was a youngster, but for the last few years I have not had the opurtunity to ride, but as of late I purchaced (pronouced Pur-Chased) a new bike and have been enjoying the great outdoors. Its true what they say, "you never forget how to ride a bike". I don't know who said that, but I believe it's true. So why is cycling one of my favorite things? It feels good to sweat in the sun. Traveling under your own power feels great. And riding when its rainy feels so grand. I love riding my bike, it's one of my favorite things.