We lose our internet tomorrow (or the next day), and I am going to be a sad man seeing as I wont be able to check my e-mail or update this shindig, not that I really update this that often. Anyways its so late in the morning and I will be going to a Good Friday Service tomorrow and I want to go to bed. Night Friends.
Liner Notes
An Online Guide To The Life and Times Of T.I.Houghton.
Friday, April 18, 2003
Wednesday, April 09, 2003
So I won a scholarship today, it was most excellent and It made me feel warm inside. The total amount was 175.00 CDN. As I was handed the envelope Dr.Durance says to me, "I know its not alot of money, but its the prestige that counts". I was extremly happy with this boost that will definitly help me next year. I also looked into living conditions next year and they look promising. I signed up for classes for next year, and am not too sure exactly if It will stay that way, but it looks good. Lots more choices because of NUC, Nazerne University College. It will be exciting for sure. Its almost dinner, which I hope is good, but you never know around here. I published my first paper today in the form of Whiskey River Chronicle. For sociology class we had to create a town and each member of the class plays a role and mine is a reporter/editor. It was great fun and I got to for the forum, where groups present stuff to do with what we are learning, write a paper to do with whats going on in that class. It was awesome. Almost as awesome as... I dont really know. Anyways later, Peace.
Friday, April 04, 2003
Its still snowy outside. In the last couple of days we have gotten more snow than the whole winter so far. Its like a wonderland out there. And in here its nice and sort of warm. I was going to work on a paper tonight, but neglected it and watched Smallville. What a great show. I really enjoy it, and it is even filmed in BC, how quiant. Tomorrow I will defenitly have to work on my paper seeing as it is due tuesday and I have much work to acomplish by then. There are only 8 school days until we are done for the year, such a scary thought that soon I will have to work and make money for next year. If you have a job you want to give me then let me know. I apprciate it very much.
Wednesday, April 02, 2003
Last night, April First, it started to snow, it continued to snow all night long and this morning there is now about 2-3 inches of the nice white fluffy stuff all over everywhere. Now there is even a storm warning. Last night I had my window open and it was cold in my room and I had to put more blankets on, this is a good thing since I love lots and lots of blankets. I even got that cold camping nose that is chilly and the rest of the body is warm and then the nose starts to run a bit. I love it. I went to mass last sunday and was intrigued by their cerimony and such. It was mildly awkward for us, me, Ben, Rachel, and Steph, because we are all protestants and when it was time for the Eurcarist, or Lord's Supper, we all sat in our row and the people in front of us went up and the people behind us went up so there were four college students from a Bible College sitting in the middle of this beautiful cathedral wondering if we were going to get kicked out or not. The interesting thing was that they played some "Protestant" songs that I have sung in the past. It dident seem like a normal service cause the cathedral has this magnificant organ and it was not used once, but they had a piano and bass and conga's. It was a bit odd but we are going back this sunday to see if they play the organ. Then we went out for coffee and that was nice cause I had a London Fog, my new favorite drink. It was astounding. Then we walked around the Cenitaph in the middle of Victoria Park where they hold War Memorials and such and looked at all the protesting against the war. It was quite interesting. There even was a story with the phrase "People (aka Human Beings). I found it humorious. Anyways. Last night I saw a movie called 25th hour, a little too much language, but interesting film none the less. I got my first paid photo shoot the other day. The hockey coach for the CBC rise Hockey team wanted me to take pics of the final game they will ever play, so I did and he gave me some money. I was thrilled, seeing as money is tight around these parts. And that has been my last few days. I would love to hear about yours . Have a great day.