I should be reading, but there alot of things I should be doing, and this just happens to be what I want to be doing. So yesterday I went to this little chruch known as First Assembely. It was an interesting experience. I am an Alliance boy with a history in the baptist church, but this was definetly a pentecostal experience, much like the Jimi Hendrix Experience. There was some good worship and interesting speakers and so on and so forth. I was fairly skeptical of the whole thing, seeing as it was new and I have been taught to take things not at face value, but look deeper into what the meaning and such is. Anyways, after the service I took the bus home, having taken the bus there it made sense to also take it home. It was an interesting bus ride since I had gone to church with a messianic Jew, Jeremiah Z, and a semi pentecostal, Matt R. They spent the entire ride home debating the theological issues of church the mornings service. I having little or no theological training only joined in when they were talking about history or the early chruch, since I am in a class about the Christianity in the Second Century. After they departed I had some lunch and then went to a musical evening known as Beggars Feast. It was a great time and then we went to Red Robin's for some eats. It was a good day all round, except for the sickness that I am feeling. But alas I must now read some history. Have a good night and send money or food to the following address:
Timothy Houghton
630-833 4th Ave SW
Box# 266
Calgary, AB,
T2P 3T5